1. Sex Demons Need Love Too

    Date: 6/11/2024, Categories: Fantasy Cheating Consensual Sex Extreme, Hardcore Horror, Monster, Violence Author: Krombomich, Source: sexstories.com

    Chapter 1: Loving You's a Dirty Job but Somebody's Gotta Do It
    Ding Dong
    "He's here!" Bethany was excited to meet the potential new roommate. The harsh reality of the world came down hard on the young couple when they decided to elope. Their parents were deeply religious but from different christianity factions, which meant no sex until marriage and no marriage they found someone else. Well, the date was set, they were getting married in 6 months. As a proper christian girl, it was her job to tend to the household and for Nathan to bring food to the table. All they needed was a little help with the rent and everything was going to be all right.
    Nathaniel was NOT excited to meet the potential new roommate. All he knew so far was that it was a man. A man with a deep voice. The idea of his beautiful young bride-to-be being home alone with a male stranger while he was at work left a deep pit in his stomach. She really was beautiful. Anyone seeing them together was surely thinking this short, pimpled dork was out of her league. Her long naturally blond hair, soft features and slim figure made her look like an angel from heaven. She was also sweet, innocent and always saw the best in people. The love of his life.
    Bethany had given him an earful when he mentioned his reservations. It's true that it was unfair to assume someone else wasn't as good a person as he was. That a
    roommate would be safe with
    but that Beth could not be trusted around a boy. ...
    ... "Judge not, least ye be judged" she quoted him.
    He agreed to meet the man first, but there would definitely be some judging. He reminded himself how badly they needed this money and how unlikely they were to find anyone willing to rent this tiny unfurnished room in their lousy apartment.
    The first impression was not great. The man with the deep voice was actually an 8-foot tall Minotaur with pure black skin and red flaming eyes.
    "Jesus Christ!" Nathan immediately slammed the door, locked it and rushed a sign of the cross to apologize for his outburst. "It's... it's one of those sex demons... from the portal... on the news!"
    "Nathan, you said you'd hear him out." Beth was being her cheerful, caring self.
    "That's before I knew he was a godda..." he lowered and calmed his voice "Dear, that's before I knew he was a spawn of satan" he continued condescendingly.
    "They say they are not
    bad. If he wanted to hurt us, he could break down the door right now and tear off our heads. But he knocked politely. If he's nice, we have to give him a chance. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."
    After quoting any random bible passage, Bethany could always assume she had won the argument. Ignoring the "no no no no..." from her fiance, she unlocked the door and pulled it open again.
    The creature was already halfway down the hallway.
    "I'm sorry for my fiance's reaction, please come back" she said loud ...