1. The Making of Molly Pt. 02

    Date: 6/6/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byRed_22b, Source: Literotica

    ... with his sister while she was on honeymoon and asks, "And do you know everything about her?"
    Jasmine raises her naked self, throws her leg across his lap, puts her hands on his shoulders and fixes their eyes and says, "Everything. I love you, Husband to be," as they kiss their way towards impassioned fucking.
    After they're done, they realise they didn't reply to Molly. They take a picture of their clenched hands, showing the shiny engagement ring on her finger and send it within the group. Molly is on FaceTime immediately, and seeing two sets of nude shoulders says, "WOW, sorry we're obviously interrupting the celebrations!"
    As assurances are made that she isn't interrupting and bodies are covered up properly, the two couples chat in happy bliss, until they say goodnight.
    During that conversation, it came up that in 3 weeks time, Glenn would be away for the weekend, as he is an officer in the Boys Brigade, (Christian youth programme for young boys.) Immediately, Jasmine had invited her to stay with her and Ally that weekend, as the two ladies had a lot to catch up on.
    In the run up to it, Jasmine had been exceptionally horny and blamed it on the baby. Not complaining, Ally was spending up to An hour a day, feasting on her flowerlike folds, licking her sodden lips and nipping and biting her clit with his lips, usually fucking afterwards where she had taken to sucking him off to climax.
    Ally had also been texting his sister, and on the evening before ...
    ... her visit, is teasing her about having to make the most of Glenn tonight, to tide her over during his time away. He was somewhat surprised when she replies, "LOL! At least I'm not a nymphomaniac like Jasmine. I hear you're breathing through your ears these days!!! Wish Glenn would do that to me!"
    She quickly deletes the text, resending it with just, "LOL! At least I'm not a nymphomaniac like Jasmine."
    But now that he has seen it, it could not bs un-seen. 'Does Glenn never go down on her?' Ally ponders. He didn't reply, just sends a 😂 emoji as a feeble response.
    His musings are then interrupted by Jasmine entering the living room, having just had a sleep after work. Holding her phone to her ear, she pauses and holds it to her chest. She asks, "Babe, my aunt isn't well. Do you mind if I take your car and drive Mum to see her?"
    Looking back at her worried eyes, he immediately tells her it's OK. "How long will you be?" He asks.
    "We'll leave tomorrow morning, should be back by nightfall," she replies.
    Ally, obviously is disappointed that she won't be there to welcome Molly. He's also a little sad, as it has been ages since the 2 friends had spent any time together, but her family are important to her too, so it wasn't an issue. Jasmine says she will let Molly know, but thinks she will probably come home for the weekend anyway.
    Jasmine and Ally have sex that night, of course. As Ally gently strokes back and forth inside her soft, wet centre after cumming inside ...