1. The Making of Molly Pt. 02

    Date: 6/6/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byRed_22b, Source: Literotica

    Again, all characters having sex are 18 or above.
    I do my own work, so some errors will exist. If you're a bored English teacher, looking for something to mark-down, I would advise you to move on.
    I write for your enjoyment and mine.
    Next morning, Ally wakes up alone and full of conflict in his head at what he did to his sister last night. The small section of staining on the cloth in the bathroom, that he had wiped himself on, scythes through any notion of it being a dream as he goes to shower and shave, getting ready to, "Give Her Away.' This concept now sits heavy, he had broken the rules and already taken her. 'We fucked,' he thought, only to realise it's much worse than that, they'd made love. He harshly chastises himself as he looks in the mirror.
    Jasmine comes in, dressed in her burgandy bridesmaid dress, looking sublime with her thick, curly black hair framing her face. Part of him wants to fuck her right now, and the other wants to confess his sins. "How is the bride?" He dares to ask, having not seen her since he took the brotherly option of not ruining her marriage, before it had even happened.
    Jasmine looks back at him in the mirror where she is applying lipstick, holds a stare with him and then replies, "Nervous as a nervous thing. The Bridal limousine has broken down and a replacement will be 15 minutes late," she says and Ally sighs with nerves. Jasmine just also be nervous, she seems fidgety and keeps looking at him, but Ally is ...
    ... assured by her being here and still talking to him means that that Molly hasn't told Jasmine about their night of firsts.
    Soon, the car arrives to pick the bridesmaids up. Jasmine stands Ally up, tells him in a strict persona that he looks sexy in his suit, gives him a packet of tissue and he asks her, "What are these for?"
    "You'll need them," she says and kisses him on the lips and continues, "Trust me, you'll cry when you see her." Her phone then rings and she talks for about 30 seconds, before she turns to advise, "The car will be another 10 minutes, I love you."
    Ally couldn't say he was relaxed after seeing Jasmine, but was perturbed by the lingering, far off look she gave him as she looked back across the room, before the door closed behind her. He also was shitting himself at having to face his sister, whilst also being proud to be giving her away.
    Waiting 2 minutes, he then goes and knocks on the door of the bridesmaids room they got dressed in. Jasmine was right......Ally almost buckles as the door opens and he looks at the vision of angelic beauty before him.
    Her raven hair is the only dark thing in a sea of white, behind a veil that covers her face. The dress has sequence across it and down her arms, framing the heart shaped neckline - no cleavage - before the dress fans out below the tiniest of waists, over her hips and at the bottom. Immediately any hangups about last night evaporate as Ally wells up and hugs her saying, "My God, you're perfect."
    She ...