1. Spanish Hospitality

    Date: 6/6/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byReclaimingLostTime, Source: Literotica

    ... down, Matt and Fiona relishing the feel of the sun on their bodies and Matt found himself dozing off. He was woken by a splash and saw that both women had jumped into the pool and were swimming around. They settled up against a wall and were chatting away as they cooled off in the water. Matt was tempted to join them, but the warmth of the sun was just too comfortable. He watched as they made their way to the steps and climbed out, Fiona first, water cascading from her body. Fliss followed and Matt could quite clearly see her nipples dark through the now semi-transparent top. He was brought back to reality by Fiona's voice, "I'm sure he won't mind, will you Matt?"
    "Sorry?" he apologised.
    "We were just saying how uncomfortable it is to have wet material round our boobs and Fliss has suggested that we take our tops off. I was saying that I'm sure you won't mind." With that she unsnapped her bra and slid it off, releasing her breasts, her nipples puckered from the cool water. His eyes switched to Fliss and saw her reach behind her, her eyes seemingly locked on his as her top dropped to the floor.
    Matt's eyes swept from one sister to the other and back, noting how similar in shape their breasts were, Fiona's slightly bigger, but Fliss' nipples much bigger and more prominent. Fiona reached for the sun cream and massaged some cream into her breasts, the pliant flesh moulding under her hand. She handed the bottle to Fliss who followed suit, although her breasts were ...
    ... already an even tan with her body.
    "If you need any help..." Matt offered hopefully.
    "No, it's alright Matt," replied Fiona, "we can manage thank you. Anyway we wouldn't want to add to your discomfort." Her eyes pointedly dropped to his shorts which were plainly struggling to contain his growing penis. He looked down and saw the bulge realising at the same time that Fliss was also looking at him.
    "Don't worry about it," said Fliss, "Miguel gets stiffies all the time. I'm used to it. If it gets too uncomfortable just get in the water or sort it out. If you need any help I'm sure we can oblige." She added impishly. Matt settled his cock a little more comfortably and sheepishly lay back on the lounger, desperately willing his erection away.
    "Trust you," whispered Fiona, "flashing your bits at my sister!"
    Matt managed to find some relief from his problem and was getting used to the sight of two pairs of delectable breasts, when lunch intervened. To his dismay and delight, neither woman covered up for the meal, and he found himself staring at the wobbling flesh as they ate. "And now for the greatest of all Spanish traditions," announced Fliss as they finished, "siesta time! It'll give Fiona an opportunity to sort you out properly as well Matt!" she joked as Matt blushed.
    They headed upstairs, Matt manfully trying to conceal the bulge in his shorts as they headed for their bedrooms. They went into their room and shut the door. Fiona went straight to the bed and sat down ...