1. Spanish Hospitality

    Date: 6/6/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byReclaimingLostTime, Source: Literotica

    ... coffee."
    They rolled out of bed and Matt pulled on a pair of elasticated lounge shorts and went in search of the kitchen. He could hear the rattle of crockery and followed the sound, emerging into a big kitchen with a central island. Fliss was in there, looking busy, dressed in a light robe. She greeted him with a hug and a kiss, her breasts pressing against his bare chest and offered him some coffee.
    "Thanks, just what I was looking for, I'll take them back to our room if I may, Fiona's still in the shower." Fliss reached up to a cupboard for some mugs, and as she did so her robe fell open and Matt could see the whole of her breast, topped by a large nipple. His cock twitched in his shorts as she took the mugs out and her breast disappeared once more. She crossed to the coffee machine and as she passed the floor to ceiling glass windows he found he could see through her robe, the outline of her legs quite clear. Despite himself he twitched again and he wondered what, if anything she had on underneath.
    "I thought we'd spend the day round the pool, if that suits you?" she suggested, seemingly oblivious to the effect she was having on Matt, "so when you're ready just come down in your swimming costumes and we'll have some breakfast outside." Matt thanked her and took the two steaming cups of coffee back upstairs where Fiona was just emerging from the bathroom wrapped in a towel. He debated telling her about seeing her sister's boob, but decided on balance that was ...
    ... best kept to himself.
    "Not showering?" she enquired. He explained what Fliss had proposed for the day and said he'd shower in the evening. "Probably a good idea," she agreed as she dropped the towel and went in search of her bikini. Matt sat and admired her naked form as she rummaged in a drawer, her breasts proud on her chest, her pert bum on display. She looked up at him and saw him watching her. "Pervert!" she accused as she slipped her bikini on. Matt found a pair of swim shorts and changed, then decided to put a tee shirt on while they ate.
    Fliss had set breakfast on the patio, still in her robe, more tightly belted Matt noticed, although her nipples were poking hard into the material. She prepared some toast, drizzled in olive oil and garlic, topped with tomatoes, a very traditional Spanish breakfast she informed them, and there were also plenty of pastries and more coffee and juice.
    Finished, they cleared away and Fliss disappeared to get changed as Matt and Fiona settled themselves by the pool, liberally coating themselves with sun cream. Fliss appeared just as they were finishing, "Ah, very sensible," she commented, "be a Darling and do my back Matt will you, as you're holding the bottle." She turned away from him and slipped off her robe revealing a white bikini which contrasted nicely with her tan. Matt slurped some cream in his hand and rubbed it over her back and under her bra strap, noting that there didn't seem to be any tan lines visible.
    They settled ...