1. Spanish Hospitality

    Date: 6/6/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byReclaimingLostTime, Source: Literotica

    ... to relax for a while and ate some dinner, then changed to go out.
    Miguel had ordered a taxi and they all got in, Matt squeezed between the two women. It wasn't a long drive and they pulled up outside a lovely villa, very similar to Fliss and Miguel's with quite a few cars already parked outside. They went in and were greeted by a distinguished looking gentleman, dressed in a white dinner jacket and bow tie, who greeted them in Spanish. Miguel spoke to him for a while, then he switched to English. "Welcome," he said, "I hope you enjoy your evening." He directed them to a small room and they went in, Miguel handing them each a plastic box.
    "This is for your clothes and any jewellery that you don't want to wear. It's perfectly secure." Matt noticed several piles of boxes already stacked up.
    "Does he own the house?" asked Matt
    "No, it's actually an Airbnb, it's hired for the night and we have a clean-up crew come in and sort everything out afterwards." They stripped off their clothes and Miguel guided them to a basket filled with coloured wristbands. Matt and Fiona picked out red bands, Fliss, after a moment's hesitation a green band. "You can always change your mind afterwards. But be careful, no wristband is one step further than multi-coloured." Matt couldn't quite envision what was one step further than "up for anything".
    On a table was a selection of Venetian masks, some quite ornate, others plain, and Fliss indicated that they should choose one and wear it. ...
    ... "We pretend it gives us anonymity, but in reality we pretty much all know each other." They pulled their masks on and left through another door which opened out into a large lounge, filled with about twenty masked people, all otherwise naked, a whole variety of shapes, sizes and ages. Some were standing talking to each other in groups, other sitting in chairs. Most Matt saw were wearing green wristbands, although there was a smattering of all the other colours. Many of the women still wore jewellery, diamond necklaces and rings sparkling. There was a bar full of various drinks, and they wandered over to it, Matt feeling as though he needed some Dutch Courage, chose a scotch, Miguel joined him and the two women had Cava.
    They were approached by another couple who greeted them in English, kissing both Miguel and Fliss on the cheeks. They were introduced as Maria and James and they shook hands with Matt and Fliss, Matt marvelling at the formality, when in a few minutes they could be fucking. They enquired as to whether they were enjoying their holiday, making small talk as at any other party. Maria was quite striking, very pert breasts and a very narrow landing strip of hair between her legs. Most noticeable were her nipples though, pointing slightly upwards, they must have been nearly an inch long. He found it difficult not to stare and despite himself, his cock twitched.
    He leaned towards Miguel, "What is the etiquette if you get an erection?" he whispered.
    "Unlike ...