1. Spanish Hospitality

    Date: 6/6/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byReclaimingLostTime, Source: Literotica

    ... their own bed for a similar reunion.
    The next morning was spent lounging around the pool, all four of them naked and Matt and Fiona found that they had become totally comfortable with that way of life. Fliss seemingly couldn't get enough of Miguel and was constantly touching and caressing him, her hands often touching his cock, something that both Fiona and Matt found quite arousing but there was no sexual activity between any of them.
    Over lunch Miguel announced that they had been invited to a party that evening, and that Matt and Fiona were very welcome to join them. "What sort of party?" asked Fiona, "What would I need to wear?"
    Miguel and Fliss looked at each other. "Well actually it's a swingers' party, so nothing!" replied Fliss.
    Matt and Fiona looked at each other. "We're not into that sort of thing," Matt stated, surprised that Miguel and Fliss were.
    "Don't be shocked," responded Miguel, "it's nothing tawdry. There's a group of us, mostly friends who have formed a closed group where we meet occasionally to indulge in... well anything you want to really. Yes, some people will have sex with each other, both men and women, but there is no compulsion to. In fact many just have sex with their regular partner, whilst watching and being watched. It's very exclusive and discreet. From what Fliss has told me I think you'd enjoy it."
    He explained that couples wore a wristband on entry, red meant that they only wanted sex with each other, yellow, that they were ...
    ... willing to engaging in touching and masturbation but not penetration. Green meant they were willing to have straight sex with anyone, and multi-coloured meant they were "up for anything" as Miguel put it.
    "What colour do you wear?" asked Fiona.
    Fliss looked at her, "It depends, but usually multi-coloured. Think about it, but if you are going to come, and I hope you do, be sure not to tire yourselves out too much during siesta! We'll be having a long snooze as it can go on all night sometimes."
    They separated, Matt and Fiona promising to consider the idea. They slid into bed, facing each other and Matt asked, "Well, what do you think?"
    "If it's all as nice as Miguel says, then I must admit I'm tempted, but just with a red band. Actually I got quite turned on seeing them last night, and when I knew they'd watched us that first night I got a bit wet thinking about it. What about you?"
    "I'm the same as you, I quite like the idea, and over here no-one would know us. If we didn't like what was going on we could always get a taxi home I suppose."
    "OK, let's go then!" They snuggled down and Matt reached out for Fiona's breast, but she pushed his hand away. "Remember, we mustn't tire ourselves out. You'll have to wait for tonight!"
    Miguel and Fliss were delighted when they told them they'd go, and Fliss reassured her sister that it really wasn't at all seedy. There were condoms available if required, and the house hosting the event was really lovely. They managed ...