1. Initiation - Father - First Night

    Date: 6/6/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byBiShyAndReadyToCry, Source: Literotica

    ... out when he realised his father's cock was inside of his ass. They had to drug him again, and it worked to convert him to a cock addict, but the trauma of his father violating him remained, and he refuses to let your grandfather to fuck him again to this day. He satisfied himself with James instead, who had received the second imprinting at that point and was instilled with a need to deposit his seed in any willing hole every day, lest he have withdrawals. He allowed our father to watch, who would pleasure himself as he did so. Once Eric was done with James, it was my father's turn with him.
    "Dane, the third oldest, received the correct dosage -- my father having mastered the ratio at this point - and was enslaved by cock. By this point, my father had figured out the third imprint, which instilled in you a need to fuck the female members of your family, which is usually your mother for your first. Of course, having been seduced by her already for our father to fuck us, we were all willing to sleep with her, but the point was to addict us to it. There's just one condition. You can only fuck her ass. Breeding with your own mother is not an acceptable outcome. The ass is always open game in our family. The pussy can only be fucked by the husband, with a few exceptions." "What exceptions?" I ask.
    "You'll find out later." He says evasively. "Anyway, all three of them received their third imprint, one night after the other, and each came inside their mother's ass. She fed ...
    ... them their own cum out of her ass as part of the imprinting process. It's considered polite in our family to clean up after yourself when it's not your woman. You should remember that. Mother received a unique imprint some of the women get, which is a craving for anal sex. It's part of our conditioning for cock, but she hadn't received that one, and some of the women in the family don't require it anyway. It addicted her to getting her ass fucked by her sons, and her sons had been addicted to fucking it." Dad laughed.
    "By the time I came of age, we all did the housework because mum was too busy getting fucked in the ass by the rest of my brothers during the day to do it herself, and getting fucked by my dad at night. I didn't realise it at the time. I was told she was sickly, that my brothers were providing medicine when they were in with her, and to not disturb her at any cost. In a way, it was the truth. Addiction is a disease, she was most grievously afflicted with it, and my family held the cure. There are a few rules that were set up -- a hierarchy if you will. You'll learn about them when they're relevant.
    "For now, you just need to know that I, as your father, have first right to your asshole. When I want to fuck it, I'm fucking it. If I want to whore you out to others, I will. If someone wants to fuck your ass and they're not me, your uncles, or your grandfather, they have to get my permission. As my son, you're not allowed to fuck my ass, only take my cock. As you ...