1. Initiation - Father - First Night

    Date: 6/6/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byBiShyAndReadyToCry, Source: Literotica

    It was the summer after I finished high school, just a few months after turning 18. I was home, waiting to go to university in the city after the summer break at the end of the year. My mum was away on a holiday with her sisters and my older sister, Jessica. My eldest sibling - my brother Rory - had finished university and now lived in the city with his girlfriend, coming down twice a year, one of them being Christmas which was coming up, where we all come together and go visit my grandfather, along with the rest of my Dad's siblings. My Mum was gone for two weeks, until halfway through December, and my sister planned on visiting her friends in the city after the holiday, then coming down a week before Christmas, followed by Rory and his girlfriend a day before Christmas. This left me alone with my father for two weeks, today of which was the first day.
    I was the smallest male in my family, all my uncles and cousins stood at least a foot taller than me. The women were my height or taller, and my slender, smooth, hourglass-shaped body didn't help the comparisons made about my more feminine figure from people in my life. The men of my family, of which I was, but felt I wasn't, were all big, burly, hairy men oozing masculinity. It was not uncommon for the men of the family to gather around a car at gatherings with the hood open, talking all day about engines and strokes, whatever those were, while they drank beer that tasted like shit.
    Contrasting that, I liked books, ...
    ... and music that evoked emotion in me, and the only alcohol I drank were what was considered women's drinks, fruity cocktails and the like. I had long, dark hair like my mother, and looked after it, displaying my meticulously cared for curls proudly. Engines and the like were something I knew nothing about, so I often found myself hanging out with the women in my family for conversation I could understand.
    To their credit, no one in my family teased me about my lack of masculinity, and the affinity for the women in my life. I was accepted for who I was, despite not fitting in as a traditional male. A place was made for me either side of the coin I chose to go to, and the men happily explained the things about football, cars, and joked with me like I was one of them without missing a beat. But I always felt like an imposter, and when they thought I wasn't looking, I saw them exchanging glances like they were all in on a joke I didn't know I was the butt of.
    That was going to change this summer, but I didn't know that. My secret was about to be revealed, and everyone was going to show me just who I truly was.
    You see, I was hiding something from everyone in my life. It weighed me down, begging to be released, for the burden to be lifted, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I was bisexual, and I had been in-denial about it for a few years, and only came to terms with it recently. Like a dam that had just been unblocked, all the pent-up frustration and lust came rushing ...