1. The Price to be Paid

    Date: 6/1/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byKaneSubotai, Source: Literotica

    ... was naked as the day that he was born. Mary couldn't help but notice his toned physique and rather long schlong. She shook the unwelcome thought from her head. David laughed uneasily.
    "Um, looks like you forgot something too, mom." He said slyly, ogling her in a rather leery fashion. Mary looked down confused and realized she was completely naked too. David took in her cheerleader top half with nice pert boobs, that tapered out into a large pear-shaped bottom atop sturdy thighs. Seeing her boobs and neat pubic hair on display made his cock twitch.
    "Oh, my god." She said, immediately covering her breast and pussy with her hands.
    "How the hell..?"
    "Wow, mom!" Sara said from the door. Then she spotted her brother.
    "David, you too? Is there something going on here I should be worried about?"
    Mary turned to her and gasped. Sara was completely naked too.
    The situation was so surreal, she wanted to laugh. Instead, their collective nakedness seemed to just slip her mind.
    "Dinner's ready." She said pleasantly, as if their sate of undress was suddenly the most natural thing in the world. The two children took their places, seemingly both unaware of their nakedness too.
    "We expecting company?" David asked.
    Mary spotted she'd set an extra place without realizing it.
    "That's odd." She said, just as the doorbell rang.
    Sara hopped up from the table and went to the door, completely unabashed at the skin she was showing.
    A few moments later, she ...
    ... reappeared into the kitchen with an elderly lady. The woman must have been in her late sixties, maybe older. She was dressed in a black turtleneck that accentuated her breasts and black trousers that showed of an incongruously pert backside. Her short blonde hair was up-styled and framed her made up face that gave her an Egyptian glamor.
    "Hello?" Mary said. Then, as if forgetting she had never seen this woman before, added, "Please have a seat."
    The woman sat with them at the table, and they enjoyed a lovey meal, chatting amongst themselves like that hadn't in years. The woman didn't join in the conversation, and they pretty much ignored her, except occasionally being taken by her stunning blue eyes that gazed from one to another of them.
    When dinner was over, Sara and David cleaned away without being asked. Mary followed the woman into their tv room and sat on the couch. The woman sat in a chair opposite her gazing at her with otherworldly eyes. Mary felt completely at ease in the old woman's company and was oblivious to her own state of undress. Soon, Sara and David joined them and sat beside their mother on the couch. They seemed equally unfazed.
    None of them spoke for a while, each seemed to be happy in their own little trance world. Then the old lady spoke.
    "David." He snapped his head towards her.
    "You have yet to have your wish fulfilled."
    David nodded as if this was the most normal thing in the world to say.
    "Sara." She added. "If you wouldn't mind." ...