1. The Price to be Paid

    Date: 6/1/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byKaneSubotai, Source: Literotica

    It all started one bright spring morning. Not than any of them knew it then. But start it did, and once these things get going, they've a habit of keeping on going until the price is paid. In full. Account balanced. You see, it doesn't always do to dabble in things you don't understand. But they did. And that was why the price would have to be paid.
    Years ago, arcane knowledge was the remit of wise old men and women, who'd dole it out, mindful of the consequences. But over time, wisdom got shared, broken up, untied from consequence, and set free on the internet. That's where the Johnsons found it. And that's where they started writing checks that one day they'd have to cash.
    Mary Johnson was a fine specimen of forty. She worked out. She worked hard. She loved her family. David, her son, was 20. Sara, 22. They lived a respectable life, and anything they did that wasn't respectable, they did far from prying eyes.
    Mary was in need of money. Some bills had mounted up and her generous salary didn't seem so generous these day, nor stretch as far as it once had. She briefly toyed with the idea of an Onlyfans account. But nixed it, thinking no one would pay to see her body.
    Instead, she trawled TikTok, searching for the secret. Any secret. She tried every kooky idea she could find to attract money. Nothing worked. Then she found The Price. It was a nondescript account with only a couple of posts that popped up on her feed. It promised any reward to the brave who'd be ...
    ... prepared to pay the price. At this stage, she'd be prepared to do anything to get what she needed. So, she said a few words in a language she didn't understand. She found and lit a black candle. She pricked her finger and bled a single drop onto the flame. The flame spluttered but didn't go out. Then, when nothing happened, she blew out the candle, opened a window, and forgot all about it.
    The following day, the mailman brought a single white envelope. It was unmarked and unremarkable. Inside, Mary found a check for fifty thousand dollars. More than enough to sort out her problems. A slip of paper accompanying the check read: Last Will and Testament of Grace Jenkins settled in full less taxes. Grace had been a grandaunt Mary had fallen out with thirty years before, and they hadn't talked since. She couldn't believe she'd left her anything. Couldn't believe she'd passed. Soon, the check was in her bank, and The Price was long forgotten.
    Sara stumbled out of bed the same morning her mother had found The Price on TikTok. Sitting at the breakfast table, she scrolled through her various social media platforms on her phone. Hitting TikTok, she was annoyed to see every second video seemed to be an ad for something called The Price. Frustrated, after the first view, she flicked past it each subsequent time it came up. A new text message stopped her in her tracks. Mary, a friend in college told their group that she'd heard about a pop quiz in school that day that would account for ...