1. The Making of Molly Pt. 03

    Date: 5/31/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byRed_22b, Source: Literotica

    ... chances, as if requiring permission.
    Turning onto his side to face her, Ally tentatively brings his right hand up to her emotionally fraught face. Molly reciprocates this action by placing her hand on top of his and nuzzling her cheek into it like a cat. He can only see her bare shoulders, but knowing that she is naked, seems like one of the most sensual experiences of Ally's life. He leans down, her eyes dilate in anxious anticipation and he gently kisses her trembling lips and seals their fate.
    Immediately, Molly starts to open her mouth to welcome his tongue inside. No sense of occasion is lost that this is the same tongue that made her lose consciousness, just hours before.
    She had struggled since then, battling between wanting to embrace her feelings, and being a faithful wife. As she had now made peace with the conundrum, she lays on her back, grips the hand stroking her face and brings it down between her body and the bed sheet until it rests on her little pubic thatch. With a feeling of everything that happened previously being the equivalent to dipping a toe in The Rubicon, she then takes a deep breath, spreads her legs, pushes his hand down and welcomes Julius Caesar to dive right in.
    Feathering kisses on her soft lips, Ally starts to gently stroke her moist nether lips with his fingers, mimicking the gentle tongue teasing between their mouths. Molly's nipples stand on end and she can't help but feel that they are reaching up to ...
    ... welcome his chest hair, that will soon press down against her. Her orgasm is already close. Having been so anxious, scared and confused. Her body relaxes into the rhythmic strumming of her folds like they are being soothed and thus disbursing the feeling throughout her body.
    Molly brings her hands up her body, clutches Ally's face and looks deeply into it. She lowers the bed sheets to reveal her breasts, patiently waiting to be part of this moment. Ally takes the unneeded hint, kisses down her cheek and neck. She groans and he descends, across to her left breast while still caressing her ever more slick pussy lips, and licks around her little pink areola's bumps and wrinkles. He licks around the base of the nipple, feeling the difference between the soft tissue, the bumpy surround and the diamond hard nub at the centre.
    Ally moves, and Molly lowers her right leg to allow him to hover over her and then raises it again, seating him into that natural cradle. Kissing her on the mouth again, her nipples rejoice at feeling the chest hairs they have craved so much, welcoming him back with little shots of electricity to her vagina. "I want you naked too," she whispers, running her hands down his sides to hook her thumbs into the waistband, as he slides his body upwards and feels them sliding down. Molly moans when his erection springs free in her eye-line and her her mouth and pussy moisten.
    He edges them down one leg with his hand and hooks them with his foot to remove them ...