1. The Making of Molly Pt. 03

    Date: 5/31/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byRed_22b, Source: Literotica

    ... going to open his mouth to speak when she says, "I'm going to go to bed. I'll......I'll see you later," and leaves.
    "Goodnight," he says as she leaves, turning to look at him and returning the gesture, before she disappears behind the closing door, leaving Ally to watch the rest of the movie, that he wasn't focused on whatsoever.
    About an hour later, Ally goes up to bed. He calls Jasmine, getting caught up on her auntie's health and, of course, how she is feeling too. She informs him that she thinks she is starting to show her baby bump and holds the camera to frame her tummy.
    "I think you're seeing things babe. Shift the camera up a bit."
    "Huh?" She says, holding the camera higher, but still focused on her mostly flat tummy.
    "Point it a little higher, just above your sexy tummy," Ally says, with a cheeky grin....."Just a little bit higher...."
    "You pervert! You're just trying to see my tits," she laughs as she realises what he's up to. "There," she says, flashing him a shot of her small, but slightly larger than before, boobs.
    She then asks about Molly, and Ally flinches. He tells her that she's off to bed and both agree that she'll be asleep by now, notoriously being out like a light within minutes of her head hitting the pillow. They then say goodnight and both lovers hang up.
    Sleep doesn't come easy to Ally. He lays on his right hand side, on the (His) right side of her bed. Not knowing how long he's been there waiting for sleep, he hears Molly's ...
    ... bedroom door opening. He doesn't hear the bathroom door, or walking downstairs and can't understand what she's doing.
    Moments later, his bedroom door opens, then closes and he hears feet padding in through the thick carpet. He doesn't dare look, but hears the sounds of shuffling, like a robe being removed and dropping to the floor. Then, the sheets on Jasmine's side of the bed lift, a body climbs in and lays flat on its back, the sound of fast paced breathing confirms, of course, it's Molly. He's used to her slipping in beside him over the years, but not in the last several.
    "Hi.....Can't sleep?" He asks.
    "No," she murmurs.
    He then realises that he's only wearing boxer shorts, and after everything that happened earlier, he didn't want to freak her out. Turning slightly, not so much to look at her but direct his voice over his shoulder he says, "Just FYI, I'm only wearing boxers."
    Around 5 seconds pass, and taking a deep breath she replies, ".......I'm naked."
    Ally slowly turns onto his back, not being brave enough to look at her. "I thought we had crossed a line too many......earlier," he says to the room's ceiling as he looks up to it.
    With barely more than a whisper, Molly breathes, "Me too. I....I needed to think."
    Looking slightly to his left, he catches her mirroring the tentative look and asks, "And did you?"
    She fixes him with a stare, bites her bottom lip and wordlessly, nervously, nods her head.
    "I'm going to turn to.....face you," he ...