1. The Making of Molly Pt. 03

    Date: 5/31/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byRed_22b, Source: Literotica

    ... her."
    "It's ok, it really is. I love you both.....in very different ways," she smiles, seeing a hint of an upturned set of lips before her.
    "Please don't leave me," Ally begs, and she hugs him tight.
    "I'm not going anywhere. Except for a swim. Ally, I want you to do something."
    "Glenn was never going to knock Molly up, she secretly had his spunk tested. Glenn is infertile."
    "Ally, my swim is going to be 2 hours long today.
    "Ok......" Ally repeats, nervous about what he thinks she's about to say.
    "Go and give your sister the baby she craves."
    "You can't be serious, you'd allow that?" He asks, totally in a state of shock.
    As she picks up her book, puts on her hat and sunglasses, she says, "My best friend and I share everything."
    Molly Speaks
    Jasmine left me alone, barely alive and stunned into a trance at my situation. No amount of her stroking of my back and head, telling me it was going to be ok and that I was welcome to live with her and my brother, would make be feel anything less than a failure. Married before I was 20, committing incest with my brother and divorced, by 21.
    I heard the front door closing, and knowing it was Jasmine going for a swim, my brother was the only other person in the suite. I put on a light pair of white, linen pyjamas with no underwear. I did not plan on leaving the bedroom.
    Shortly afterwards, I heard movement, a door closing and feet coming to just ...
    ... outside my room door. They paused there for a moment and I held my breath, before the feet belonging to my brother then turned, and walked away. I was just wondering to myself what I would say to him if he did come in. "Sorry my husband called your baby a bastard, sorry I'm going to gatecrash your new family, sorry I'm in love with you?" Perhaps I should save that one for Jasmine, my best friend, my hero tonight.
    Knock knock, I heard, breaking my thought process and I replied, "Yeah...."
    He came in And closed the door behind him, standing in front of it and eventually saying, "Jasmine told me to come and see how you are."
    Feeling a little battle-scarred, I replied, "I'm not surprised if you didn't really want to."
    He moved towards me, sitting down on the bed at my feet, as I felt strangely vulnerable in my choice of clothing. 'What is that,' I thought, 'This man has been inside me, eaten me and seen me naked, yet here I am feeling exposed in PJs and no underwear.'
    'I wanted to give you peace, it's Glenn who's ass I want to kick."
    Looking up at him, unsure and emotional, I asked him if he was disappointed in me. He moved up the bed and sat next to me, stroked my face and breathed, "I want to pick you up and put you in my pocket to keep you safe."
    That sentence right there and then, was the most beautiful thing anyone had ever said to me, and I sat on my knees and embraced him. Feeling his arms envelope me, he squeezed me tightly against him before he parted ...