1. The Making of Molly Pt. 03

    Date: 5/31/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byRed_22b, Source: Literotica

    ... now!'
    Molly looks at her glamorous friend, now visibly pregnant and glowing. Molly had completely re-thought her plan for pregnancy, always wanting to wait until she finished university. Now, she could think of nothing better than raising a child at the same time as her best friend and brother.
    It wasn't that she was jealous of her brother and his soon to be wife, but she was a little aggrieved that she and Glenn, had been fucking multiple times a day when it was her fertile period, and still no baby. As she made love with Ally, on their now regular Sunday sex sessions, she had had the thought of forgoing the condom and let his swimmers have a go, but wasn't quite that point.....yet
    "Have you been tested?" Jasmine asked.
    "Yeah, I have no problems."
    "And.....Glenn?" Jasmine probes.
    Molly stares into her tea, takes a sip and sighs, "He says that God will decide if we are blessed with children."
    "He's full of shit," Jasmine shoots back immediately.
    "Who, Glenn?"
    "Yeah, him too," Jasmine spits back, leaving Molly quite perplexed.
    Several weeks pass and still no baby for the newlyweds. Molly is exceptionally pissed off now, and Jasmine suggests that they all go away together for a long weekend, and a break to Portugal is arranged.
    Jetting off in the Thursday evening, they arrive at the hotel they will be sharing. Their suite is on the top floor, right beside the elevator - at Jasmine's request at 7 months pregnant - and ...
    ... overlooking the sea.
    Molly and Glenn grow somewhat nervous, as they see the layout of the rooms. Whilst spacious enough that there is plenty of room, and their bedrooms are far apart, the open-plan arrangement and the flat surfaces throughout, would suggest that love making would need to be quiet. Molly is ovulating.....and also, Jasmine is horny.
    They spend the evening walking around the hotel's immediate surrounding area, getting some food and Ally has a beer.
    The humid air sits heavy on the visibly pregnant Jasmine. She's wearing a mint coloured tank top that's clinging to her curves, of which now, there are many. A fact that is not missed by all, specifically Glenn, as he looks at his sister in law drying sweat off her underarm and boobs down her top, with a napkin.
    Eventually, it gets too much and she announces she'll have to go to the harbour of the chalet's air conditioning, in this ocean of humidity. The rest of the party join her. Going to bed, Jasmine is feeling cooler, having sat chatting for an hour in the air conditioned living area. But in the bedroom, even with the doors being left open while they chatted, allowing the cool air to circulate hasn't made it ice cold. She's even too warm to be horny. It's just as well as Ally is out like a light.
    She can hear the air conditioner has been left on in the living area, and as sleep isn't happening she decides to take the iPad and quietly goes to sit in the cool air. The iPad is signed in to Literotica in ...