1. The Making of Molly Pt. 03

    Date: 5/31/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byRed_22b, Source: Literotica

    ... glad you called me that night, and you told me which nightclub he was going to........wait, did you plan for Ally and I to fall in love?"
    "We need to get you and your Marmite home," Molly smiles, staring the car and saying as she drives, "I knew your liked him......Who better to look after him when I had to leave him?"
    On the journey home, Jasmine pondered that maybe her angelic friend has a little more depth than everyone thought.
    The following weekend, both couples go to the concert that Ally had bought tickets for. Being their mother's favourite band, it's particularly poignant for Ally, as he stands with his arms around Jasmine, stroking her baby-tummy that's got the faintest hint of a bump.
    Glenn, never having been to a rock concert in his life, looks slightly out of place in his shirt and jeans, with everyone else wearing t-shirts, shorts and summer dresses.
    The band are now in their 50s, and everyone is amazed when Glenn announces that he'd never heard of the them before Molly chose one of their songs for the wedding.
    "Where have you lived, the 1940s?" Ally teases, feeling Jasmine laughing through her thighs, as she sits on his shoulders.
    Jasmine looks amazing, as usual. Her hair is cut short, straightened and parted to the right with it gelled in place just above her right eye, and she's wearing a pink halter top that comes down to hug her increasingly larger, pregnant breasts, together with denim shorts. Later, she covers herself with ...
    ... the enormous t-shirt she buys at the gig, due to a drop in temperature. She sits and sways on Ally's shoulders as the band go through their catalogue of hits.
    As the song at Molly and Glenn's wedding comes on, both couples hold each other close. Jasmine can't help but notice some loving glances between Ally and Molly, understanding that this was the song that their Mum played to Ally, and Ally to Molly.
    As the intro is strummed, the singer takes the mic to commemorate their recently deceased drummer, while also saying about good things, coming from bad. The camera feeding the big screen then pans in to focus on the drummer, the singer's brother, who everyone had believed to be dead. As she tearfully goes on to talk about her brother, Molly and Ally hold hands, which is not abnormal to their partners. As the song then continues, they hug, before embracing their respective other halves.
    Back at the AirBNB they've rented, they discuss the concert over a, "Rock n Roll" cup of tea. "Isn't it sad that they lost their drummer, it never really was explained what happened," Molly muses.
    "Yeah, and where had the brother been....I thought he was dead!"
    "Strange," said Glenn, "God moves in mysterious ways."
    "Yeah, him," Ally sneers, not sharing the belief that Glenn's God took his parents from him at 6 years of age, for some higher, more important cause.
    "I'm for bed, shall I see you soon, love?" Glenn says, patting Molly on the leg.
    "Yeah, I'll be up soon," she ...