1. Hell of a Pyjama Party

    Date: 5/29/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byPurechicanery, Source: Literotica

    ... him on, his slaps got harder and harder, with his final slap leaving a red handprint.
    "All right," said Rebecca, "that got weird, but kind of funny."
    Angela pulled her panties up and pulled her skirt back into place. She was blushing slightly. "Just wanted to make sure you did it right. By the way, does that count as me doing a dare and getting my top back?"
    "Yeah, I guess so," said Rebecca. "Given the new rules."
    "Sounds fair," said Ian. Angela ignored her bra and jacket, and put the blouse back on. "Right," said Ian. "Mum, but also this will probably end up involving Rebecca, truth or dare?"
    "Do I answer for both of us?" asked Angela.
    Rebecca shrugged. "This is relatively uncharted territory, but yeah let's play it that way."
    "Right," said Ian. "Mum, I dare you to kiss Rebecca."
    Angela shrugged. "Don't need to dare me to give my baby girl a kiss." She walked over to Rebecca and gave her a kiss on the head.
    "Not sure that's what I had in mind," said Ian.
    "Probably need to do a better job of wording your dares, then," said Rebecca.
    "Speaking of... truth or dare, Rebecca?" asked Angela.
    "Dare, obviously."
    "I dare you to kiss your brother on the lips."
    "Steady on, Mum," said Ian.
    "That's it?" asked Rebecca. "That's the dare?"
    "That's right," said Angela.
    "But.." said Ian.
    "Shh," said Rebecca, cutting him off. "This is an easy one, too." She sat next to him, put a hand on his shoulder, then leaned over and ...
    ... pecked him on the lips. "See, easy."
    "Oh, I guess that's fine," he said.
    Angela shrugged. "It's nice to see you two showing some affection for each other, no matter how forced."
    "We're not becoming one of those families who greets each other with a kiss," said Ian, "so forget about that right now."
    "Agreed," said Rebecca. "Also, truth or dare, Ian?"
    "Against my better judgment, dare."
    "I dare you to make out with Mum the way you would with a girlfriend, for thirty seconds, as timed by me."
    "Feels like you're delivering a contract, the way you word your dares," said Angela.
    Rebecca shrugged. "Gotta go into details to get a dare you can't wiggle out of."
    "Yeah, I don't know," said Ian.
    "Penalty could be worse," said Angela. "I'm sure it'll be over before we know it."
    He sighed and held out his arms. "All right, come here." She sat next to him and they tentatively put their arms around each other, then leaned in and started kissing. At first a tentative peck, but then more passionately. Ian cupped his mum's face and sucked on her lower lip. Angela leaned into Ian, gently pushing him backwards then following him down, still kissing. Ian lay on his back, his mother lay on his chest, and the two kept kissing all the while.
    "And, that's time," said Rebecca.
    "Right," said Ian, and gently disentangled from his mother.
    "See?" said Angela. "No problems. And on that note, I'm going to go and get changed. I'm a bit overdressed for this pyjama ...