1. Hell of a Pyjama Party

    Date: 5/29/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byPurechicanery, Source: Literotica

    ... truth or dare?"
    "Also starting with truth, ey?" said Rebecca. "Cowards, both of you."
    "You've gotta ease into it," said Angela.
    "All right Mum," said Ian. "How many men and women did you sleep with before Dad?"
    "Wow, I thought we were easing into it?" said Rebecca.
    Ian shrugged. "It's probably zero."
    "Wow," said Angela. "I don't know what's cheekier, the initial question or the follow up." She looked thoughtful and started counting on her fingers.
    "Really?" asked Rebecca.
    "Damn, Mum was wild," said Ian.
    "Oh, it's not that many," she said. "But yes, I had a life before your father. Thirteen men, one woman just to try it out."
    "I guess you weren't into it."
    "Why, that almost sounds like a follow-up question," said Angela.
    "Wow, that's really how we're gonna play it?"
    Angela shrugged, and turned to Rebecca. "Rebecca, truth or dare?"
    "Right," said Ian, "just moving on then."
    "Truth," said Rebecca.
    "All right, honey," said Angela. "I heard that was a bit of a cowardly option, but that's fine. Are you on birth control?"
    "I just want to know you're being careful. Besides, you just heard my entire sexual history."
    "I'd call it more of a summary. Anyway, yes, I'm being careful, Mum."
    "Great! I'm not ready to be a grandma."
    "That's all?" asked Ian. "Just is she on birth control? You don't wanna know who she's banging?"
    Angela shrugged. "Not like the name would mean anything to me."
    "It's ...
    ... true," said Rebecca, "I'm in my ho phase."
    "Not quite what I meant, but I'm glad you're having fun."
    "Enough about my ho phase, though. Ian, truth or dare?"
    "I think it's still truth telling time."
    "All right," she said. "Which rooms in this house have you masturbated in?"
    "Surely just in your own room, right?" said Angela.
    "Hmmm," said Ian.
    "Surely," she said again.
    "You'd think so, Mum, wouldn't you?" said Rebecca. "That would certainly be the sensible move."
    "Or maybe the bathroom."
    "So," said Ian. "My room, obviously. And the bathroom."
    "Uh huh," said Rebecca. "Keep going."
    "Here in the lounge room, when I've got the place to myself." Rebecca nodded. "Your room, Rebecca, and also Mum and Dad's room."
    "You did what?" asked Angela.
    "And also the garage, and while it's not technically a room, the back yard."
    "Have you masturbated in literally every room in the house?" asked Rebecca.
    "Well, not the kitchen. I'm not an animal."
    "Sorry, can we talk about how you masturbated in our room?" asked Angela.
    "No follow-up questions, sorry Mum!" he said. "Also, truth or dare?"
    "Truth, I guess."
    "Which of us is your favourite?"
    "Come on, after your answer?" said Rebecca. "Easiest question ever."
    Angela shook her head. "Despite recent... revelations, I can't choose between my kids."
    "Really?" said Rebecca. "What does he have to do to make this an easy choice?"
    Angela shrugged. "If you ever have kids, you'll ...