1. Two Hours

    Date: 5/22/2024, Categories: True Story BDSM Domination/submission Extreme, Wife Author: Suziesue, Source: sexstories.com

    ... soreness, relieving the nettle sting somewhat. I was stimulated enough by this that I started to moan with pleasure at the stroking, and he insured that I was quite worked up before going on to another application of pain. I wasn’t thinking about it, but deep in my mind I knew that he was nowhere near the end of his arsenal.
    SNAP! A split second after I felt the touch of his fingers on either side of my clit, the tortured tip was smashed by a wide rubber band. Every muscle tensed; every nerve screamed! Certainly I did. “AAAAAARRRGH!” SNAP! My pelvic muscles contracted wildly as the pain penetrated. SNAP! “AAAHH!” SNAP! The repeated assault on the same tiny area began to work its invidious magic, as I felt the beginnings of a rise to orgasm out of this agony. SNAP! “Ooohhhh!” SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! Once again I was rising to climax, my whole body involved in the peak of pleasure, even though the only place I was being touched was a tiny strip of skin centred on that minuscule, protruding hub. SNAP! SNAP! I was over the top, snapped twice more to round it out, and then done.
    It seemed the timer rang sooner than before, and he smiled as he informed me, “Fifteen minutes now, so we can fit in two more sessions of bound torture.” Oh, please! What could he dream up to fill these next segments? I was already so sore that I could not believe I would be able to stand more beating. The tissues were engorged just from the bruising, the skin aflame from the stinging! I whined in misery ...
    ... as he activated the vacuum again, wrapping the wire for the third time, more quickly. The accidental brush of his fingers on the tip of my clitoris was excruciating!
    The next thing I heard was a match striking; this was followed by the scent of a candle. Wax! Hot wax scorching my bare bruised clit! My body began to shake in anticipation, my mind full of misery and fear. I could feel sweat beading on my body, and nothing had actually happened yet. As I degenerated into a quivering, whimpering jelly, he simply watched me from his station between my open knees. Then he reached over me with the candle, tipped it, and allowed the wax to pour continuously onto the target flesh. “Hot! Oh, god, it’s Hot! AAAAAAA!!!!” After what seemed like many minutes, but was probably less than one, he righted the candle. The entire lump of tissue felt like it was on fire, through my tears I could see that the tiny mound was completely covered in purple wax. He allowed it to cool, and gradually my anxious reaction slowed. With his left hand he flipped the wax cover off his target, removing most of it in one large casting of my distorted intimate place.
    The right hand reached over again, and once more, the wax cascaded onto my clitoris. It felt even more intense now! I screeched incoherently as the thin stream hit the exposed tip and then ran down around the rest of the trapped tissue. Only when it was completely engulfed once again did he remove the source of my torment. I wailed for several ...