1. Two Hours

    Date: 5/22/2024, Categories: True Story BDSM Domination/submission Extreme, Wife Author: Suziesue, Source: sexstories.com

    ... Perhaps we could stretch your clit this way.”
    All I knew was that it hurt! The wire was replaced about the base of my distended clitoris, creating its own distressing pinch, and the vacuum released, providing a momentary respite. I could see him setting the timer once again. Then he picked up the clump of willow branches that were resting in a vase nearby. Oh, no! That was almost the stingingest thing he used on me! I squirmed and cringed as he stood between my legs again, eyeing the magenta mass above the wire. Swish! “Ah!” Again! “Ah!” Over and over the branch tips stung me. At first, I fought the sensation, crying out in agony with each blow. Gradually, I reached a more accepting place, however, once again taking the pain into myself and allowing it to flow though me. My thighs no longer jumped at each stroke, and while I still yelped, it was not so strident. He increased the tempo a bit then, keeping me off balance, till all I was feeling was a continuous stream of fresh hot sting! The switches wrapped around the tiny mound of flesh slightly, flicking the sides of the protrusion far more than the previous implements had done.
    The next pause was just for an change of toys again. I was breathing so hard after the continuous screaming the switch had produce that I didn’t even look at what he was doing. Therefore, the impact of the loopy cat on my bruised clitoris was a horrid surprise. “EEEE ... IIIII!!!” I bellowed, my legs straining as they tried to close to protect ...
    ... my whipped clit. It was useless. I was going to have to take this! “No No No!” He slowed the delivery, but did not stop, and did not hit me any less hard. This was pure pain! My whole being focused on that terrible sting, each time the cat struck. I couldn’t think, only feel. I screamed continuously, and it seemed like forever. And then, no more.
    The timer hadn’t rung yet, apparently, as he made no move to release me from the wire wrapping. A few seconds after I stopped screaming, though, I resumed my vocalizations, as a new sort of stinging pain assaulted me. My eyes flew open, and I could see green fuzzy leaves being rubbed on my hapless pleasure node. Nettles sting, but more like a bee than like a whip! On already abraded flesh, the effect was overwhelming! Protected by his plastic glove, he stroked every square millimetre of the target area with the prickly leaves, creating a nasty after burn. When the clock signalled the unbinding of my clit, he left the leaves in place, removing only the wire. He continued to massage the area with nettle while the circulation returned to my tortured tissue. I wasn’t sure which of the competing sensations was worse, whining constantly until the throbbing of blood receded and he abandoned the leaves.
    I was not left to recover, though. By now, the affected area was swollen enough that there was no possibility that my clitoral tip would retract under the hood. He slid his fingers into my soaking cunt and rubbed the lubricant over my ...