1. Privileges Revoked - Chapter 1

    Date: 5/21/2024, Categories: Fiction Coercion Female Domination, Humiliation Job/Place-of-work Male/Female Reluctance Slavery, Transgendered, Transsexual, Author: ArielZark, Source: sexstories.com

    ... fucking his face as hard as she could. He felt the air in his lungs get stale and try to escape. He struggled to pull away, but there was nowhere for him to go. He thrashed and slapped his hands against her hips, but she just grabbed them and pinned them to the desk, not letting up for a second. His lungs started to burn as she kept rutting against his mouth.
    Finally, she sunk in hilt deep and let out a sigh. He felt her cock pulsing, depositing her load directly into his stomach. He tried to endure, knowing it couldn't be long before she pulled out now that she came. He hummed on her cock to try and get her attention, but she seemed to be focusing too much on the orgasm to notice. Her cum was still pouring into him, and he felt his belly fill to the brim.
    His vision started to blur and darken. He started to worry that she would never pull out and just stay there until he passed out. He began thrashing again, weakly, to get her to free him. She looked down at him and nodded, then pulled out.
    Gasping, choking for air, he crumpled to the floor, finally released from suffocation. He almost vomited, but managed to hold it down. He doubted she would be pleased if he ruined her pretty blue heels.
    She grabbed his arm and pulled him to his feet. "Thank you for coming in, Mr. Larson. You'll receive payment shortly." She walked him to the door, or more dragged him, as he was still in a stupor. "I have your number and email, so I will be in contact if I'm considering you ...
    ... for the position, and then you may respond." She shoved a handful of papers into his hand and opened the door. "This is your copy of the contract. You may have your lawyer analyze it, and contact me when you're ready to accept." She pushed him out the door. "Have a good rest of your day."
    With that, she shut the door behind him. He blinked, not quite sure what to make of what just happened. He stumbled forward, trying to break out of his confusion.
    "Oh, Mr. Larson! Tom, is it?"
    Tom looked at the source of the voice and slowly managed to process it. It was one of the giggling secretaries. Cassie, he thought?
    "It looks like Ms. Kenley approved your stipend, so you'll be getting it... one second... now. She looked back up from her computer. "How was the interview? I know she can be rough, but it seemed like you handled it, huh?"
    He tried to speak, but it came out as a cough, before he rasped "Yeah."
    "Good, good. I do hope you come back. Ms Kenley could really use you." One of the other secretaries giggled, and the third shushed her, but held back a smirk.
    "You may want to skip dinner. You can also use one of our bathrooms to clean yourself up before you go. Looks like you've made a bit of a mess," she said, with a quick glance down.
    Tom looked and found, to his surprise, he'd somehow managed to cum during that ordeal. He blushed and left as fast as he could.
    In the elevator down, he was finally able to clear his thoughts. This was insane. He'd just been ...