1. Privileges Revoked - Chapter 1

    Date: 5/21/2024, Categories: Fiction Coercion Female Domination, Humiliation Job/Place-of-work Male/Female Reluctance Slavery, Transgendered, Transsexual, Author: ArielZark, Source: sexstories.com

    ... practically raped in the throat, and he came from it? And those secretaries knew, and acted like it was normal. What kind of place is this?
    He checked his phone. Sure enough, there was an alert from his bank app telling him of a deposit. 10,000, as promised. Well. At least he could get a motel room for the night.
    Tom sighed. This was all too much for him. He'd have to turn this position down. The money was alluring, but he couldn't handle being broken like this. Although part of him did enjoy it. He'd never really done anything kinky before, and remembering how it felt to be on his knees with his mouth stuffed... it wasn't as scary in retrospect as it was in the moment.
    He dick twitched at the thought, and he suddenly realized how sensitive it was. How did he cum so hard without even noticing? Will it be that good next time? What even made him finish?
    Wait. Next time?