1. Privileges Revoked - Chapter 1

    Date: 5/21/2024, Categories: Fiction Coercion Female Domination, Humiliation Job/Place-of-work Male/Female Reluctance Slavery, Transgendered, Transsexual, Author: ArielZark, Source: sexstories.com

    ... left with a blank face.
    She continued to drone on in legalese as he still processed that huge number. The things he could do with that kind of money... he'd completely turn his life around. Get a nice apartment, pay off his car, fix his wardrobe.
    "So, Mr. Larson, what do you think of all that?"
    "Let me get this straight. You're going to pay me a ton of money just to have sex with me?"
    "Oh, Tom. We won't be having sex. I'll be using you sexually. There's a big difference."
    "And that is?"
    "Whether or not you enjoy it is not a factor. All that matters is my pleasure."
    "So... free use, basically?"
    "I see you're familiar. Yes, essentially."
    Tom wanted to jump at the chance, but he played it cool. "I'll have to think about it."
    "Of course. You'll have two weeks to decide before the offer expires. Should be plenty of time to discuss it with your lawyer."
    "And I will." He stood up and grabbed the contract, but she quickly slapped her hand on it. "Um. Is there more?"
    "Yes, there is. As I mentioned earlier, in order to earn this contract, you'll have to let me finish." She tapped her desk.
    "Okay..." She tapped her desk again. "Finish what?"
    "Finish." She more obviously tapped her desk with a pointing motion, and he hesitantly looked underneath it. "Consider it a test drive. I have to make sure I'm getting what I'm paying for, and it'll be good for you to understand what to expect from me."
    Tom gaped. "You want me to..."
    "Under the desk, ...
    ... if you please."
    "Right now? What if someone walks in?"
    "Perhaps I haven't been clear. If you're uncomfortable, you may walk out now. Just keep in mind you're walking out on ten thousand dollars."
    This was tough. Ten thousand could really make a difference. Not to mention the half a million if he just kept up with it. And it's not like he'd never had sex before, even if his experience was limited. He honestly wasn't too far from whoring himself out anyway. He knew he was pretty, it was probably his best asset.
    "Okay," he said, finally getting to his knees.
    She just nodded as if she had fully expected him to give in. "Let's see what you can do."
    He crawled under the desk. it was big enough that he had space, and it had an open front so he didn't need to go around, although that meant he was easily visible from the door. He thought of the giggling women outside and almost lost his nerve, but the sound of a zipper took back his attention.
    From this close, it was obvious that the bulge in her underwear was no pussy. He was taken aback by its size; flaccid in the blue panties, it was almost the full length to her hip. There was barely enough room for it, and her balls took up even more space. His first thought was that it must be uncomfortable, and he should free that beast.
    "Don't stare too long. You don't want me to get impatient."
    He looked up at her and blushed, suddenly remembering where he was. He reached out and ran his fingers along the length of ...