White Slave Auction - Rebecca
Date: 5/21/2024,
Diary ,
Non-consensual sex
Author: spacybickerson
... auction. A good thing for you too. Some of the people who wanted you I wouldn't have trusted behind the wheel of a car much less with a slave." His fingers were teasing her swollen clit, enjoying the way her legs quaked and shook.
"You will refer to me as master or sir. You will not call me by my name unless doing so is a literal matter of life or death. Mine, yours, or someone else's. If I permit you to use my name you may do so, but I will also make sure to specify when it is appropriate. Use outside of those times is going to result in punishment. Do you understand what your new life is going to be?" Gagged as she was, Rebecca could not respond but Chris clearly expected some sort of reaction. His hand came down against her backside again, unleashing a wave of stinging heat.
"I also expect to be answered promptly. Nod or shake your head if you have to, but do not ignore me. Now do you understand?" Rebecca's heart hammered, she looked to the ground, and then strained to look towards Chris. She still couldn't see him but he could see her. She nodded her head, silently surrendering to her situation.
"Good," Chris said. His next touch was gentle, almost sweet. His hands curled around her. "I am sure you are in turmoil right now. I am sure you are desperately trying to figure out your new place. That's normal for a new slave. You need to redefine yourself and redefine your world. It will take time, and help, but that is why I am here. I will help you. I will ...
... teach you and show you, and you will obey and learn."
His hands moved to her legs, gripping, and pulling apart her thighs. Rebecca gave a whine in the back of her throat but could only try and support her weight as her legs moved further and further apart. When Chris was happy with her new stance, he told her to hold it and reached across her back. She felt the gag being undone, the leather strap which held it to her mouth went lax and she gratefully let it hit the floor.
She could speak again! Then Rebecca felt something warm and hard press against the opening to her womanhood. It was a cock, and that knowledge filled her with a deep shame and lust. "You know," Chris spoke, "When I saw you up on that auction block I knew you were special. Do you know why?"
"N-no," Rebecca said, only half focusing on his words. The rest of her mind was on the feeling of his shaft, of the implicit promise of penetration. She wanted him inside of her, her body strained, and desire roared through her mind. After being made to cum with that dildo, after being groped by that guard, being led naked to the auction, she wanted to be fucked with a frightening intensity.
"I'm not special at all," She went on. "I'm just normal..."
"No you're not," Chris seemed to find what she had said funny. "But we will get to that later. In the meantime, let's start your training. You've had boyfriends before, I take it?"
"Yes," She closed her eyes.
"Have you ever done anything like this ...