1. White Slave Auction - Rebecca

    Date: 5/21/2024, Categories: Diary , Humiliation Non-consensual sex Slavery, Author: spacybickerson

    ... have to wait for her master.
    ''Master'' The word sent tingles racing along her spine. A wave of heat flashed through her body, and she did not know whether that was good or bad. She'd always known that slavery was legal, of course. It had been for a dozen years by now. She'd watched the slaves on TV, women mostly, and remembered thinking that she would never be in their place. Now she was and she didn't feel nearly so smug as she had then.
    Someone owned her. She was property. Legally speaking, she still had some rights but not as many as she'd had before. Fluttering fingers of panic brushed against her spine with tiny, electrical flourishes. She tried to put the thought aside but she just kept coming back to her. Her master. Who would they be? What would they want her to do and what would they do to her in turn? They could not hurt her permanently or harm her in a way that wasn't allowed by the slave contract she had signed.
    What had she signed? What were the exact words? Why couldn't she seem to remember the exact words? It was like she had intentionally avoided seeing them, but why would she ever do that? The door opened again.
    The sound echoed in the empty room, making her breath catch in her throat. With her head stuck, she couldn't turn to see but she heard the approach, footsteps echoed. Slow and purposeful. Was it another guard? Somehow, she doubted that.
    She could not speak. The cock-shaped gag was still wedged between her lips. But even if she could ...
    ... have, she wouldn't have said a word. The silence was taut and tense, the gentle motion of the steps moved closer and closer, and Rebecca waited. For salvation? For damnation? Maybe the two were one and the same now.
    Someone brought a ringing slap down against her rear! Rebecca bucked and cried, the pain washed through her body in a wave of stinging heat! The person slapped her again, and this time the impact radiated through her, making her legs shake and her boobs jiggle. A low cry escaped from her gagged mouth. This seemed to satisfy the unknown stranger, for they did not strike her again. Instead, their fingers curled around the rim of the dildo. Rebecca's eyes fluttered when they brushed her skin. Her legs trembled, feeling the toy being pulled clear of her body. It hit the floor at her feet, and she knew that her new owner was now examining her pussy up close. Fingers pressed into it, examining her, and pushing against her folds. She tried not to moan but after everything that had happened to it, her pussy was very sensitive and even the smallest touch sent bolts of pleasure racing through her.
    The man began to speak, continuing to tease her pussy with their fingers as they did. With each word, she felt him pushing them into her, penetrating her, making her squirm and writhe. "My name is Chris," His voice was firm and demanding. Resonant with power and authority that made her tingle.
    "As you probably guessed, I'm the one who owns you now. I bought you at the ...