Date: 5/12/2024, Categories: True Story Torture, Author: JasonSensation

    ... wrists together, her skirt flips up and reveals her panties.
    Tiffany: You don’t need this!
    She pulls as hard as she can, and works a small tear in her panties, eventually yanking them off. Tiffany laughs at her tiny butt.
    Hailey: Wait! Girls! I didn’t mean to-
    April slaps duct tape over her mouth and they close the box. Then she hears more buzzing, but it’s not around her cock.
    Brittney: There, that should keep it shut!
    Hailey headbutts the ceiling of the box, but it won’t budge.
    Hailey: (thinking) Oh fuck! Oh god! Oh fuck! Oh god! I’m stuck like this! What am I going to do?! How am I going to get out?!
    The next group of girls comes in and immediately get to work. Hailey is stuck getting milked for hours, letting off hundreds of loads and filling bucket after bucket, defying all laws of nature. (817)
    Brittney: Still in there, huh? Your punishment isn't over.
    Brittney hooks the machine back on.
    Brittney: This thing is gonna milk you all night long! Oh wait, it's Friday! I almost forgot! This thing is gonna milk you all weekend!
    The machine kicks on and Brittney closes the door. Dread starts to kick in. Then the buzz of the machine grabs her attention.
    Hailey jizzes into the machine semen lands on the floor. (818) Over the hours it pools up and spreads everywhere. (1465) Eventually it reaches the door.
    Hailey: God, maybe if I cum enough, semen will leak out of the door and someone will notice! ...
    ... It's my only chance! (2,291)
    Haley's cock throbs continuously. The machine really knows what it's doing. The pleasure is overwhelming, but her balls cried for mercy. Still, her cock throbs and jizz pours out of her. (3378)
    Hailey: Oh god, this feels too good! I cant! How much longer?!
    Jizz piles up near the door, it has a tight seal but a few drops leak out. The inches pile up inside the classroom overnight. (4269) Nothing more than a small trickle escapes out the door. It didn't matter, no one is working that night. Hailey's parents think she's having a sleepover, and decide not to check. Hailey falls asleep but the machine follows her in her dreams. Over the weekend, she is thrown into thousands of mind bending orgasms. (9999) Monday morning comes. Millie arrives before everyone else, hoping to get some breakfast. She opens the door and semen floods out the door, soaking her socks and shoes.
    Millie: Oh my god! Hailey!
    Millie unscrews the box and puts Hailey in a chair.
    Millie: What did Brittney do to you! Oh, your thing must be so sore!
    Hailey: Water...
    Millie: Oh, right. I know I hang out with those mean girls, but over the weekend I realized something, I get moody when I'm hungry. And your stuff was so filling, it kept me full for days. I had the best weekend ever!
    Hailey: Good for you.
    Millie: Aww, do you want me to take care of you? Maybe I could massage it out.
    Hailey: OWW! OH! Ok. That's not bad.
    Millie: I'm gonna make it up to you for ...