Date: 5/12/2024, Categories: True Story Torture, Author: JasonSensation
Hailey: Ugh, those girls are so mean! Making fun of me because I’m a futa. Always pointing at my bulge under my skirt and giggling. “Hailey has boy parts! Hailey has boy parts!” Well I’ll show them! The teachers have turned the classroom into a barn so we can learn how to milk a cow, but it’ll be me instead! They’re training them on this box on stilts, the udders are supposed to go under it, but I’ve removed the machine! This box is barely big enough for me to fit in, but I squeezed through! Oh, and that hole where the udders go is just perfect for my cock! All I have to do is wait. Teacher: Ok girls! Your team is going to practice milking cows! That box in the center of the room has udders that you need to milk. Go ahead and practice the technique we talked about earlier. Hailey: Splendid! It sounds like all the mean girls I was talking about are all in one group! This is gonna be so funny! Tiffany: What’s that ugly thing? That doesn’t look like an udder! Brittney: That’s because it’s a machine, it’s practice, dummy! Here, let me show you. Brittney squeezes and strokes Hailey’s cock. Brittney: Hey! No milk is coming out! April: That’s because you’re doing it wrong! April shoves Brittney aside and milks Hailey with both hands. Hailey: (whispering to herself) Oh, that feels good! I have to keep quiet! It’s hard not to moan. Tiffany: Is it supposed to grow larger? This looks so weird! Millie: Teacher said we have to fill up that bucket before ...
... we can head back, I’ll put it under the cow machine thingy. Hailey: Bucket? April milks Hailey’s cock, wringing it towards the tip. April: Hey! I can see a drop come out! Tiffany: You’re doing it! Let me try! Tiffany and April milk Hailey’s cock together with both hands. A drop lands in the bucket. Tiffany: One drop? That’s gonna take too long! Girls come on, let’s really squeeze this thing so we can be done! The girls all stroke Hailey's cock with both hands until they feel it twitch. Millie: Ah! It twitched! Brittney: That’s just the machine, stupid. It’s supposed to do that. That means it’s working. The girls milk extra hard. Hailey: Ooh, it’s starting to feel good! Really good! I have to keep quiet! Oh god! The “milk” is gonna come out! Hailey is forced into orgasm, brought on by the intense milking and firm grip the girls have over it. Brittney: Oh my god! It’s coming out! I can’t believe it! It’s like milk is really coming out of there! Girls, we’re getting it! Keep going! Hailey: Ooh! That’s so good! Ouch! It’s so sensitive now. Did she say a whole bucket? Teacher: How are you girls doing? Millie: It’s fine Mrs. Teacher lady, the milk started to come out. Teacher: Wonderful! I’ll check back in on you in a bit. Millie: Oh, now it stopped flowing. April: We have to get it working again! Ugh! Keep milking it! The girls work double time. Hailey: Oooohhhh. It shouldn’t feel this good! It never feels this good! ...