1. A Captain Decision 4

    Date: 5/8/2024, Categories: Science-Fiction , Alien, Death, Violence Author: pars001, Source: sexstories.com

    ... quite well the old commonwealth ship, though the other fully intrigued him.
    "I want readings for this ship, I want to know how they destroyed an entire Magog planet fleet. If they have this much power it might be to our advantage to enlist or capture them," the male said.
    "Sir," the males first officer said. "if they are that powerful, might it be better to not confront them?"
    The commander thought a few moments then nodded, "perhaps, though as I have found? Everyone and thing have their weakness, we just have to find it."
    "If they have no such weakness?" he first officer asked.
    "As I said," the commander said. "In my experience, all have a weakness. It is just discovering it, if we can't then we have to find a way to survive. Though as I can also see, this new ship? Is most definitely not a friend of the Magog."
    "Oh, because of the destruction of the Magog fleet?" The first officer asked.
    The commander nodded, "also the level of destruction. If you haven't noticed? The level of destruction is complete no escape pods, no bodies or body parts. No this was total destruction, whoever they have no love for the Magog at all. The only problem I see, is whether or not they feel that way about the Nietzchean Unity. If they do, then we have a problem."
    The first officer nodded his agreement as the crew started to run a track on my ship.
    We were In thought gaining on Dylan Hunt's ship, when he seemed to vanish. "Are you detecting any type of stealth ...
    ... technology?" I asked Rommie.
    "None that I am detecting Captain Thomas," Rommie said.
    I sat thinking about it a moment, "back track the last line of travel of the Andromeda. See if they reversed along their previous track to disguise their trail," I said.
    "Now working, as of yet I am... I have it sir. Now adjusting course, they aren't more than a few hours ahead of us," Rommie advised.
    "Good, let me know when we have them in sight. I'm afraid I am going to have to do something unconventional. For now, follow them while I get this ready," I told Rommie.
    Rommie nodded to me, though she had a look of concern on her face. I worked for the next few days getting what I wanted here I wanted. Of course, Rommie had to remind me to eat as I lost myself in the work.
    I was also keeping an eye on the energy unbalance, even though they were with me, my universe still had adverse effects. I had hoped that with them out the energy would diminish no such luck.
    A moment later Rommie interrupted my thoughts, "Captain Thomas, Trans-warp is now at seventy-five percent. Might I suggest we go to it as it doesn't leaver as detectable an energy signature as the others do."
    "I was thinking of that though with less than a hundred percent, it might not be wise. I am always afraid that not being at full might damage the drive," I told her.
    "Yes sir, taking all that into consideration. I do suggest though, that we do as soon as possible. I am detecting communication of the Magog and the ...