1. A Captain Decision 4

    Date: 5/8/2024, Categories: Science-Fiction , Alien, Death, Violence Author: pars001, Source: sexstories.com

    "Good,", I said, "release Andromeda and.." I started then stared with my mouth open when Andromeda entered a slipstream.
    "Follow them Rommie," I said.
    "Unable to comply," Rommie said.
    "What!? Why the hell not?" I shouted.
    "At the moment we have insufficient power for even warp. The extending of our shields taxed the engines. At present we are at twenty percent, barely enough for life support, shields and sub-light engines."
    Ok I thought, then I felt my anger start to grow. Then I felt it start to surge higher.
    "Warning, warning, body energy output reaching ninety, ninety-one. Internal temperature starting to rise," I barely heard Rommie say.
    Between clenched teeth I said, "I know shut up!"
    I had turned toward the viewscreen feeling my power climbing higher than I'd ever felt it. All I could see was red as I stared at the Magog that were trying to catch me. "GO AWAY!" I shouted, then was surprised when every Magog ship all the way to the planet exploded. That's when I discovered I had pushed WAY too far, then I faded to the deck.
    Even as I slumped toward the deck, I heard Rommie, "Warning, warning, energy output of body has surpassed tolerable levels. Now shutting all systems 'til regeneration complete."
    The world was growing dark as I said, "Rommie, protect, stealth as soon as possible. Find the Androm..." That was the last as the dark took me.
    It seemed like days before I awoke with a start. Groaning I tried to sit up then fell back, crap I ...
    ... thought as pain seemed to rip through my head.
    "Welcome back Captain Thomas," Rommie said, though it seemed louder than I thought she should be.
    "Shhh," I said.
    "Sir?" She said just as loud, causing me to cringe. "Sir, are you in pain? Are you damaged?" I cringed more as I slightly rolled into a ball on the deck.
    In barely a whisper I said, "Yes, I am in pain. Lower the volume of your voice. I need a full medical scan, how long was I out?"
    A much-reduced volume Rommie answered, "you were unconscious for over eight hours."
    Damnit! I thought now I was going to have to almost start over searching for him. "Were you able to follow the Andromeda?" I asked.
    Rommie appeared as she started to scan me. "No sir, though an hour ago I heard chatter about them. There also seems to be a great amount of chatter about the huge Magog fleet that disappeared from here. From what information I have been able to gather, this is a Nietzchean colony. I have attempted to move us further from here, I am afraid that I have only sub-space. We are only a ten million miles away, still too close."
    "How are the repairs coming?" I asked.
    "It appears that the systems are responding far slower than they should be. Stealth is only thirty-five percent. As I said we only have sub-space and that's only at fifty percent. We have lost warp and Trans-warp drives," Rommie reported.
    My eyes opened wide as I cursed under my breath. "Alright, give me a moment." I looked at the back of the ...