Ian's Adventure Pt. 06
Date: 5/2/2024,
Author: byWriting_Assignment
... lighten the mood.
"Unless it wasn't meant as a prank." Yvonne said soberly as the laughter died down. She scanned the rest of the instructions. "The goal is to collect all the Master cards and make the other players into your sex slaves. What sort of shit is your friend into Carina?"
"Mom!" Lily gasped, then laughed again, wiping at the tears in her eyes. "She's got the hots for you!"
"Let's play!" Yvonne abruptly said, looking over the instructions again.
"What?" Mom looked aghast.
"Seriously?" Lily added.
"Why not?" Yvonne asked, her eyes bright with mischief. "Not like we have a lot of choice in games to play. We don't have to do these things, but let's see how far we're willing to go. C'mon, it'll be funny as hell!"
"Damn it." I said. "I'm in, but I gotta get another drink first."
"Word." Yvonne said, rising from her seat. "What's everybody drinking?"
"We are not playing this game!" Mom stated.
"Carina, it'll be fun! We'll get a laugh out of it, if nothing else." Yvonne said.
"I'll play." Lily finally said. "Rum and Coke please."
"Fine." Mom threw up her hands in surrender. "Wine please."
"Ground rules: we play the game straight." Yvonne said when we are all set. "We stop when one of us thinks we've gone too far. That person gets to make dinner, agreed?"
It was so agreed.
Mom went first, rolled snake eyes and as it was the lowest roll, she got to choose the first game tile, picking the seemingly innocuous kitchen. It had ...
... three doors, the back door we entered, another at the far end and a smaller door off to the right.
"That's a promising start." She muttered.
So far so good.
"I just realized that I'm only wearing three things." Lily pointed out, nervously looking around the table. "Bikini top, panties, shorts."
"Same." I said. "Swim shorts and t-shirt. Um, well, shit, makes it two."
"Shorts and bikini top." Yvonne acknowledged.
"I think I got panties on under these shorts." Mom said as she checked herself. "Yep."
"This will make for a very short game." Yvonne grinned. "Go, Lily, your turn."
Lily hesitantly went next, rolled a five, decided to cut through the middle of the kitchen, and just missed the first 'I've got a Secret' space.
I was third, rolled a nine, counted past Lily and landed on the very next 'I've got a Secret' spot, near the next opening in the room. I really hoped to land on one of the other spots, but being competitive, I reasoned that I needed to get ahead of the others. Since Lily was closest she could ask the question I would be obligated to answer, or lose an article of clothing.
Lily thought for a moment, then smiled devilishly. "You still have the foot fetish?"
"WOAH!" Yvonne exclaimed loudly, and started to laugh. "Right out of the gate, and already the questions!"
I had a choice: I could answer and not lose my turn, or take off some clothes and lose my next turn. But by taking my clothes off, wasn't that the same as admitting that I ...