Ian's Adventure Pt. 06
Date: 5/2/2024,
Author: byWriting_Assignment
... coffee table was the perfect size for a board game by candlelight. We gathered couch cushions and pillows to sit on and made ourselves comfortable.
"The rules of the game." Yvonne started, moving the candle slightly so she could better read the instructions. "'You awaken in a dimly lit chamber not remembering who you are or why you are here. Before you a door beckons. Do you dare enter?'"
Yvonne snorted derisively. "Seriously? Who writes this stuff? How do we play? Oh, here we go: Every player begins in the start box, duh. Each player rolls the dice, whoever rolls lowest gets to place the first tile beyond the door and begins to unravel the mystery. Then in a clockwise fashion, each player then rolls the dice and moves their game piece the appr- fuck. We know all this already. Let's see. What else is there to know?" Yvonne muttered as she browsed through the directions.
I looked up from the array of cards as Yvonne quietly puzzled out the rules. "Oh, lets try this:
'During the first stage of game play, should two players occupy a space that bears the same Icon no matter what area they are in, the first player on said space will draw an Encounter card, and the second player must perform what ever action the Encounter card directs. Should that player choose not to do the required action, player must remove an item of clothing, and lose their next turn.' Say what?"
We looked up at Yvonne, thinking we misheard what she said, or that she was messing with ...
... us.
Yvonne's confusion gave way to growing amusement as she scanned the rest of the game instructions.
"Oh my god." She said with a delighted smile. "These rules. 'When a player lands on a 'I have a Secret' space, they must honestly answer any question of a players game piece closest to them, as measured by number of spaces between them in that room. Should that player choose not to answer the question asked of them, they must pay the penalty of removing an item of clothing of the first players choice and lose their next turn.'"
Lily turned to mom. "What kind of game is this?"
Mom's eyes were wide, her face beginning to crimson.
I picked up the box lid. I read aloud the subtitle for the game: "A dungeon game for consenting adults."
It was Yvonne who broke the stunned silence that followed. She laughed aloud.
"It's a sex game!" She guffawed. "Jesus, Carina, what kind of friends do you have?"
"I didn't know!" Mom cried aloud, her face darkening from her embarrassment. "She said it was a fun game! I had no idea!"
"I gotta meet your friend!" Yvonne laughed. "She's a riot! This is a funny prank!"
"And I carried it through screening!" Mom was so embarrassed she had to hide her face in her hands.
Lily suddenly laughed, a genuine laugh that I hadn't heard in a long time, and the first time she really laughed since her ex-fiance's betrayal. I couldn't help but join in, and then mom started to laugh as well.
We all had a good laugh.
It really helped to ...