Miranda's Plan Gone Awry
Date: 4/30/2024,
Non-consensual sex
Author: winz123
... She's knocked flat onto her stomach, knocking the breath out of her a bit. She thinks that this is it...she'll die here on this planet. And she'll be lucky if anyone finds her body in the dense fog. But nothing happens. The varren is on her back, but he's not tearing her apart. He's...sniffing her neck? She then feels the varren's nose go down her back and touch her exposed ass! "What the hell?!" she thinks, but when he licks up her ass crack, it becomes clear what he wants. "No no no no!" she starts screaming, trying to get up. But with her biotics not working, and the weight of the alpha varren, she's stuck.
She has no idea about the mating rituals with varren, but has heard in studies in the past they are similar to dogs from Earth. She is not interested in finding out. She keeps struggling, but to no avail. Finally, the alpha varren seems to have had enough and growls at her. This causes her to pause. He lifts his weight off of her and grabs her black thong and rips it right off of her body! Her womanhood is now exposed to the elements, there is no longer a barrier! She regularly completely shaves so she has no hair down there and the varren's breath is extremely noticable. He licks her. Her eyes go wide when she feels the tongue of the alpha varren glide over her pussy. Another lick, then another. His tongue is now ravaging her. She feels her nipples hardening. She kept thinking there is no way this was feeling in any way decent, but her body said something else. ...
... She makes another attempt and pulls forward. The only thing that happened in doing that was ripping the front of her outfit that was already torn up by the other varren and now her naked chest falls out. She didn't normally wear a bra under her outfit for missions like this.
She was back up on her hands and knees, when the alpha varren pounced on her back again. This time though, it didn't shove her to her stomach. It was doing something else. Humping?! "No no no!" She felt the varren's penis stab into her ass cheeks multiple times. Maybe she could catch some luck. Maybe it will be unsuccessful and eventually give up. It felt like an eternity was passing, when it was really only a few brief minutes. Another lunge later, and the varren struck gold! The tip of it's penis entered her! Miranda's eyes shot open and was now filling with tears. The varren, realizing it has finally hit it's mark, resituated itself, then pushed deeper. The cock was entering her, inch by inch. Shockingly, it was not immediately going as hard as possible. She felt her vagina being filled further and further. She had no idea how long this alpha varren's dick is, but it was not meant to be in a human. She could swear it was nearly pressing against her cervix when it finally stopped going. The alpha varren pulled back, and thrust forward. Then again and again. It was picking up speed bit by bit.
Now it was smacking wildly against her ass. Her ass jiggled with every clap against it and her tits were ...