1. Miranda's Plan Gone Awry

    Date: 4/30/2024, Categories: Fiction Bestiality, Humiliation Non-consensual sex Pregnant, Rape Author: winz123

    Commander Shepard, Miranda, Jacob, and the rest of the crew are in the process of hunting down the Collectors to stop them from releasing the Reapers on the galaxy. Shepard and Miranda have made their feelings about each other known and once they take care of the Collectors, they plan to settle down together and have a family. However, Miranda is unable to have children, so they would likely have to adopt. Miranda's dream is to have children of her own though, so she turned to Mordin for help. She hopes that Mordin can create a "cure" for her issue. It has been about 3 weeks since she first went to Mordin and he finally brought her a vial of liquid today. He gave her a speech about being careful using it unless she is only sleeping with one man, but Miranda payed no attention since the only man she wants to sleep with is Shepard. She has 2 doses of the liquid, the first she is to drink immediately so one more test can be ran before drinking the second and actually attempting to have children.
    Admittedly, she is a bit nervous about drinking an unknown liquid and the possible side effects it could have on her, but knows this may be her only chance at one day having a true family of her own. So she swigs the liquid. While working on a mission report, she experiences no side effects. Almost an hour later, she is alerted that her and Shepard will be taken down to land on an uncharted world to investigate potential Collector presence. She grabs her weapons and heads for ...
    ... the door.
    Another 30 minutes later, her and Shepard are on the ground. This planet is covered in a haze, thankfully just fog so no breathing masks or extra precautions are required. They are investigating on foot, following a path that has been made. They don't know if this was made by Collectors, or another alien species, or just animals native to this planet. They then come to a fork in the path, there are two directions to go, and only two of them, so they decide it's best to split up, hoping the paths may meet again further down, and if they don't they can just backtrack to where they split up. So Shepard goes one way, Miranda goes the other, and they go on.
    45 minutes later, Miranda is still walking, weapon in hand, ready for anything, but is getting real tired of the nonstop walking and not actually finding anything. She then hears a growl to the right. Quickly, she points her weapon in that direction, but cannot see anything through the extreme fog. A growl then came from the left, again she can't see anything. She hears footsteps, but they sound very similar to some she's heard before. She stops and thinks...varren. There is varren on this planet. She is actually slightly relieved knowing this, as she has fought probably hundreds or thousands of varren in her life. Finally, they make themselves known. Multiple varren from different directions run at her. She begins unloading into the varren with her pistol, but there are actually way more of them than she was ...