Teen Studs on Campus (Part 3)
Date: 3/29/2024,
Author: MikeB1013
... wide open mouth. “Yeah…I don’t lie about shit…er, I mean stuff like that…me and J.J. went to a party and we both got laid…” Aaron replies; he briefly considers mentioning his afternoon encounter with Emily, but holds back, not sure that the nerdy blonde could handle it. “Who’s J.J.?” Michelle now asks. “He’s my cousin…that’s him…” Aaron replies, pulling out his phone and showing the blonde a picture of his fellow stud. “He’s very handsome…” Michelle declares approvingly. “So, he hooked up with Marilyn last night and I was supposed to hook up with Olivia, but then there were all these other chicks and things kinda got weird…” Aaron explains. “Very interesting…Well, that’s all that I’ve got for the data gathering portion of the interview…time to move on to the lab portion…” the blonde announces, getting up from the sofa. Turning to face a still seated Aaron, she loosens the belt securing her lab coat. “Oh yeah…fuck yeah!” Aaron murmurs, as he watches the petite blonde slip the lab coat off her shoulders and let it drop to the floor…
At the State University stadium, the home team quickly asserts its dominance over their visitors, rolling over Harvest Valley in what will prove to be a 37-0 romp. By half time disgusted Harvest Valley fans, including Steve, are leaving the stadium in droves. Abandoning his friends, the footloose redhead strikes out on his own to get to the Harvest Valley campus. Flashing his braces, the cute freckle faced stud manages to bum a ride with a ...
... gaggle of 4 blonde Harvest Valley sorority chicks. Crammed into the back seat of the car between two of the girls, Steve finds himself the center of attention as all four sorority bimbos shamelessly compete for him. Hitching a ride with them not only gets Steve to Harvest Valley in less than an hour, but he also ends up with 4 new contacts entered into his phone, all potential hookups…
“You weren’t exaggerating…you really are almost 8 inches…” Michelle affirms with a practiced eye, gazing approvingly at Aaron’s rigid, spit slickened shaft as it pulses and throbs inches from her face. She sweeps her tongue up and down the full length of the blue veined love worm before putting it back in her mouth and bobbing her head up and down vigorously. “Is this the lab phase…?” Aaron asks, looking down at the blonde head bouncing on his swollen pecker. “Mhmmm…” Michelle replies, her response muffled by the rigid penis in her mouth. “Yo, anything for science!” Aaron replies cheerfully, before letting out a deep groan as the nerdy blonde takes him all the way down to the balls…
“You are a warrior now, my sister!” the Amazon princess proudly congratulates her 17 year old sibling as they survey the battlefield piled high with male corpses; in her first battle, the younger girl has killed 5 men and the swords of both sisters are dripping with blood in the aftermath of another great Amazon victory. J.J.’s enjoyed watching all of the non-stop killing, but he now realizes that he hasn’t heard ...