Teen Studs on Campus (Part 3)
Date: 3/29/2024,
Author: MikeB1013
... and then he and J.J. can go get some breakfast. I’ll have to catch more of this later! he thinks to himself, thrilling to the sight of a gorgeous blonde Amazon with humungous boobs burying her sword deep in the belly of yet another hapless male opponent. Finally, with the battlefield heaped with dead and dying men, the triumphant Amazons have just started to comb the blood soaked landscape, finishing off the wounded, when J.J. emerges from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. “Whatchya watchin’, dude…?” J.J. asks. “Amazons marathon…they just slaughtered a whole bunch of dudes!” Aaron replies. “Awesome! You better get your shower now so we can go get something to eat…” J.J. advises his cousin.
As Aaron vanishes into the bathroom, J.J. uses the interlude of a sapphic love scene between two of the Amazons to duck into his bedroom and put on a fresh pair of underwear; he returns to the living room just in time to witness the beginning of another battle, pitting a legion of hastily mobilized teenage boys against the veteran female warriors. J.J. has zero sympathy for his fellow teens; he cheers the Amazons on as they wade into the ranks of their novice opponents. The women show the boys no mercy and J.J., like Aaron, pops a raging boner watching the blonde, big boobed warriors wipe out the entire army of teens in a blood soaked frenzy of violence. With the groans of the dying still echoing on the screen, J.J. hears a knock at the door. “Yo! Come in!” he calls out, ...
... his eyes still glued to the TV; in response he hears the doorknob jiggling, but the door doesn’t swing open. Shit…the door must be locked…the stud realizes. There’s another knock. “Yo! Just a minute!” J.J. calls out, jumping up from the sofa; his erection is so intense that the empurpled head of his love spear juts just above the waistband of his briefs. He doesn’t even bother to ask who’s at the door; he already knows. Gotta be Steve…who else could it be…? he reasons. He also doesn’t bother to look through the peephole and just flings the door open. Standing in front of him isn’t Steve; it’s a hot blonde chick in a Harvest Valley sweatshirt, jeans and sneakers. “Yo! My bad!” J.J. exclaims, flashing an embarrassed grin, the tip of his love worm peeking out at the visitor. “Hi! Is Derek here…?” the girl asks, her blue eyes opening wide as she gives J.J. a sly little smirk…
Aaron emerges from the steamy bathroom, a towel cinched around his waist. As he starts down the hall, he can hear voices in the living room; it sounds like J.J. and a girl. Is that Olivia or maybe Marilyn? I thought they had that sorority breakfast thing… he wonders. As he nears the living room, he realizes that he doesn’t recognize the girl’s voice, then he hears J.J. groan, followed by a female giggle. Wtf? he wonders. Stepping into the living room, he’s treated to the spectacle of a blonde sorority looking girl down on her knees, deftly bobbing her head up and down on J.J.’s stiffened pecker. Aaron stops ...