1. How I Ended Up Fucking my Ex-Girlfriends Mum

    Date: 3/28/2024, Categories: True Story Cheating Consensual Sex Male / Older Female, Author: _KiltedFlyer

    ... to Jim’s extracurricular activities.
    On Friday nights it became a thing where Jim, Kirsty’s boyfriend Kev (another K) and I would all head into the City for some drinks while leaving the women to have a girls night. With Karly’s mental health issues, she was never that motivated to go out, and when she did go out she would get drunk, act up and turn their whole night into a fiasco. With that in mind, girls night more often than not, was a night in with wine and movies.
    We got back home one night about 1am. Karly was already in her bed, Jim charged straight to his bed without even saying hello to his wife, while Kirsty and Kev retreated to their “quarters” presumably for some hot sex. Realising that my fate would not be the same, it made me feel a little lonely. My relationship had fizzled down to a bed sharing arrangement and a goodnight kiss with Karly. I was in a good mood though. The boys and I had a good night shooting pool and having a laugh.
    I decided to stay up and polish off a bottle of wine with Karly’s mum, Kelly. Kelly was sitting in pyjama bottoms and a t-shirt that was a little tight, showing the shape of her tits and a line of toned skin above the waistband of her bottoms. The more drunk Kelly got, the closer she sat to me. To be honest, I didn’t think much of it, we had a close relationship anyway. Then she poured her heart out to me. Her relationship was clearly in the doldrums. She felt frozen out and sexually neglected. We shared a hug that was a ...
    ... bit too intimate and broke it off with the excuse of Kelly going to refill our wine glasses.
    She pretended to be a little more drunk than she was and stumbled right onto my lap. She was as subtle as a brick to the face. Straddling me, she ran her hands over my face and through my hair while looking lustfully at me. The hug, the male company and the touch of a man gave her a taste of something she was missing, and she tried to grab it with both hands. I should have stopped it, but I didn’t. I liked it. She had the female touch that I had been missing. She planted a sloppy kiss on my lips. I was so frozen I didn’t reciprocate, but I didn’t stop her either. She continued to kiss my face and my neck. I put my hands on her waist and she let out a hushed “uhhhh” as she kissed and straddled me.
    She unbuckled my jeans and pulled my dick out, stroking and rubbing it as if it was something completely alien to her. Something she had been starved of and was finally getting her hands on. Again, I could have stopped her but having the sensation of someone else’s touch on my dick was like a shot to the brain as blood rushed from my brain to my cock, leaving a tingling sensation through my entire body. The intimate female touch as her soft feminine hand stroked me. I was in a state of bliss. I pushed her pyjama bottoms down to expose her. I knew we shouldn’t and couldn’t fuck but I had to feel her pussy and her wetness on me. Even if it was only to grind against my shaft.
    That’s when ...