How I Ended Up Fucking my Ex-Girlfriends Mum
Date: 3/28/2024, Categories: True Story Cheating Consensual Sex Male / Older Female, Author: _KiltedFlyer
... sister. That brings me back to Karly. Karly had been suffering mental health issues since she was in high school. Before she met me, she had been on a concoction of pills and medication to treat depression and schizophrenia. When we were together, she seemed to find new happiness and came off all those pills. This is why her mum held me in such high regard. She thought I was great for her daughter. With Karly’s newfound stability, her parents weaned her off her “stay at home daughter” allowance and eased her back into work, in one of their companies. Now I know what you are all thinking, a girl in her 20’s on an “allowance.” Ridiculous eh? Her “allowance” was more than the average 20 somethings salary. The Morton family were in a position to be able to put their daughter’s health before finances for many years. They lived in a mansion behind massive gates. Their self-designed palace was the type of dream house you’d imagine up if money was no object. There were self-contained apartment style sections for each daughter. They were the type of people that hid the Mercs and BMW’s in the garage, so it didn’t cheapen the Bentley on the drive. Karly’s parents thought the best thing for her was to get out into the real world and become self-sufficient to some degree. However, the real world of work and hard graft was just not for Karly. Over the course of several months, work took its toll on Karly and she slumped back into depression and back on all her pills. Her sex ...
... drive plummeted to zero and she became reclusive. I stuck by her in every way I could. The lack of sex was hard, but I never strayed. I was wanking myself silly in the shower every morning just to take the edge off and keep my primal urges at bay. Over one particular 6-month period we had sex once. All of the stars aligned, and we were both in the mood. I was worked up and just about to penetrate, then she disappeared for 5 minutes and left me hanging. She had gone to shave!!! At the stage we were at I wouldn’t have cared if she had a bush like the Australian hinterland. I needed sex. I needed that connection with her as a couple, and the satisfaction of that physical need as a person, but the 5 minutes she was gone was a total mood killer. Her pussy and surrounding area was cold from the shaving and water. It was a weird sensation. When I slid myself inside Karly I came almost instantly. The contrasting sensation of her cold pussy lips, her warm insides, and the fact my dick had not felt wet pussy in months, I shot my load before I was able to do anything meaningful. We were both disappointed. I was not the only one in the desert. Having been given more and more responsibility within The Morton Group, I became Jim’s fixer, confidant and right-hand man. I knew from our conversations he had no interest in fucking his wife anymore. I also knew he liked to chase a bit of skirt and was even partial to an escort or two on business trips. Rightly, or wrongly, I turned a blind eye ...