Blood Wild
Date: 3/18/2024, Categories: Fiction Cheating Consensual Sex Female/Female First Time Incest Lesbian Male/Female Mature Author: Frodov
... picked up her favorite headband. The big tortoise shell hair piece had been given to her by her mother on her last birthday. Lee loved how it contrasted with her golden straw-colored hair, and that it tamed that curly mass somewhat and kept it out of her face, for the most part. She picked it up and held it by the open ends and slipped it over her face and along her scalp so that it rested on the crown of her head above and slightly behind her ears. Turning her head this way and that looking in the little fogged mirror over the bathroom sink, Lee decided that this was as good as it was going to get today for her hair. She liked that the headband matched well with her solid brown skirt and the old brown shoes. She was wearing a new pair of bobby socks today. Her light blue linen blouse was a little big on her but then it was another hand me down from her big sister Deeny. At least it was a pretty blouse she thought. She smiled at Deeny, then just for spite she bumped her right hip into her sister’s left hip as she was rinsing her mouth after spitting out the toothpaste, then she darted giggling out of the room and down the hall to the stairs and down. Deeny entered the kitchen at double speed, mumbling about being late again. Her mother held up a biscuit with ham in it wrapped in a paper napkin in one hand and the car keys in the other hand. Deeny smiled at her and leaned in and gave her mom a peck on the cheek as she took the biscuit in one hand and the keys with her ...
... other. Lee was half standing at the kitchen table, a biscuit in one hand and a glass of milk that she was drinking in the other. Deeny turned to her and tossed her head towards the door to the back porch, meaning for Lee to follow her. Lee grabbed her books after she sat the empty milk glass back on the table and followed Deeny out the door, telling her mother that she loved her even as she went through the door. Outside on the porch, Deeny paused and turned to the left to look at the old glider bench. Her father was laying on his back, his feet towards the door. One leg up and hanging over the end of the glider, the other hanging off the edge and his foot on the porch. His right forearm was draped over his eyes, his mouth was agape and he was snoring. The left hand, like the left leg was hanging off the edge of glider and resting on the boards of the porch floor. An empty liquor bottle was about a foot from his open hand. Both girls just looked, Deeny with disgust and contempt, and Lee with sadness. Softly, so as not to wake their father, their mother Caroline spoke to the girls through the screen door that had closed behind them. “Best be gittin along now girls. Let the sleeping dogs lie. You don’t want to be late.” She said with a bit of venom tinged with sadness. Despite all her anger and hurt, she did so very much love that drunken fool that was sleeping on the glider. God help her she thought. The girls broke from their momentary trance and both bounded ...