Breeding my Sister's Wife Ch. 07-08
Date: 3/9/2024,
Author: byJHErotica
... trust by now
Me: I definitely trust you guys! This is just a me thing, I'm going to get occasionally anxious about sticking my neck out
K: Then I'll stick my neck out. I think we should talk about anything we want from this session! Who knows how many more of these we'll get...
A: As if you haven't been talking to me about this for the past week.
K: That was in CONFIDENCE! *laughing crying emoji*
A: Kate wants to lean into the cucking part of this, if you're cool with it. She wants me to tell her that you make me feel good in ways that she never can. Maybe both of us leaning into humiliating her a bit
Me: That sounds fun...
K: can we... practice a bit now?
A: Yeah?
K: Well, I've never been *really* cucked and humiliated before. Like I've watched you have sex with other people. And I've had a fun time with that. But the humiliation has always been in my head, and even the cuckold energy has mostly come from my own head. So I'm not totally sure how I'll feel, and if it goes weird it could ruin a whole ovulation cycle.
Me: Okay, but it's hard to tell nuance over text, so you gotta be really clear and use yellow or red if it's not feeling good in any way
K: Yes sir
Me: See, I can't tell if that's sarcastic!
K: I'm your fluffer and here to facilitate your pleasure. If me being willing to use my safe words does that, then I'll do that.
My cock instantly got hard at this point. I was wearing some loose sweats, so I pulled them down, and ...
... grabbed some lube. I wasn't supposed to cum within five days or so of Alena's ovulation, so this might be my last chance in a long time
A: So you want me to tell you that your brother breeding me makes me feel good in ways you never could?
K: Yes...
A: Well, I can. Because it's true. When I was talking to him before we started all this, I mentioned he'd need to tell me when he came in me. He said something like "I'm pretty sure you'll be able to feel it."
A: And holy crap, he is right. The feeling of someone's body needing to put seed in you, having this overwhelming urge to breed you, the sensation of that actually happening inside of you. I think about it most days. It gets me dripping wet, and turns me on in a way you never could
K: Fuck...
At this point Kate texted me one-on-one
K: you okay? Just wanted to make sure this is cool with you since you're not really joining in
Me: I'm really enjoying this.
K: "really enjoying" mean what I think it means?
Me: yep
K: Okay Mr. One-hand, but feel free to join in *kiss emoji*
Back to the main conversation
A: and what's more, I bet your pathetic little cunt has gotten the wettest it ever did hearing about how it's not even as good at getting your *lesbian wife* off as a man's cock
A: Show us, show us that little cunt and how wet it's been
A picture came in of Kate's neatly trimmed pubes, and beyond them, her panties with the biggest, darkest wet spot I've ever seen
Me: What is the point of ...