Breeding my Sister's Wife Ch. 07-08
Date: 3/9/2024,
Author: byJHErotica
**Author's note: I know these text exchanges aren't everyone's cup of tea, I tried to make this one a little bit more exciting. But just in case, I made today's update longer than usual, so *please,* even if you skip the text portion, don't miss the fun that comes after it!!!**
My sister Kate, her wife Alena and had a lot of conversations, on the phone and via text, in the days after the first ovulation cycle. We talked about what we wanted to get up to during the next ovulation cycle. One thing we settled on pretty immediately is that this stuff, as much fun as it was for all of us, should be a "special occasion" thing during ovulation. I think we could all see how much we might get dragged down into doing this all the time, and as much fun as it was, we were worried about our relationships, and, frankly, how all-consuming it could be.
We decided we needed to have some non sexual hangouts in the interim. We arranged a dinner out together - hoping it would keep us on good behaviour, then a movie night in the house together. They were both amazing, and really non-sexual; though we definitely had a few new things that sprinkled into our banter. Alena would tease Kate about some unrelated thing, like showing up late for something, and Kate would say "I would never..." before Alena would jump in "let your brother cum on you in the shower then finger yourself with it? Oh wait......," that kinda thing. All in good fun.
The thing I appreciated most is that we didn't lose ...
... our physical closeness. We had always been people who could sit on a couch comfortably touching without it being a thing, I've watched many a TV show with Alena's head laying on my lap, that kind of thing. And we still had that. It didn't get sexual. It was just nice.
Two weeks after our romp we got the bad news - Alena's period arrived, bam, we hadn't done it. We all made a big scene about what a shame it was. But there was definitely an undercurrent of... we get to do this again.
About a week after the period news, we started chatting in our group chat about plans for next time. Kate was travelling at the time while Alena was home.
K: What's your schedule coming up in the next little bit little brother? We're about week out from ovulation probably.
Me: pretty open actually! I'm working virtually right now so it's kinda things I have to get done but not particular times they have to happen
K: Great! We'll give you a day or two's notice but you know, tracking temps and all, might be short notice on the actual day.
Me: No problem!
*there was a bit of a silence here*
A: I guess I'll be the one to say it. I'm excited!
Me: haha me too! Trying not to be a weird perv
K: What's the fun in that? You are a weird perv...
A: Pot, let me introduce kettle...
Me: You forget, you guys have a lot more security in this. You have a married spouse. It's easy for me to get in my head and feel weird!
A: You have a sister and a friend! I'd think we'd have some ...