1. Black Cat (Part I)

    Date: 3/8/2024, Categories: Fiction Black, Cum Swallowing First Time Hardcore Interracial, Male/Teen Female Non-consensual sex Rape Reluctance Spanking, Teen Water Sports/Pissing, Young Author: axs, Source: sexstories.com

    ... and it came out in a hoarse voice.
    “For now, please accept this as the short version: I’m a little fucked up. I wish I knew why, but that’s what it is”.
    “Did you like it?”
    “I… I have never…”
    Again, she leaned down and whispered into my ear: “Neither have I. You are my first”.
    I leaned back. I didn’t care that this exposed my stiff cock pointing up at Cat. I looked at her.
    “Maybe I can solve one little mystery for you.” She chuckled. “A big one actually… I hope”
    “Why I drink so much water.”
    “OK”. I think I must’ve looked as confused as it gets.
    Cat stepped in front of me. Came closer, her feet left and right of the toilet bowl, hovering over me. She slowly pulled her nightgown up.
    “Sorry about the mess, Daddy”
    “What mess?”
    “This mess”.
    I heard it before I felt it. A splattering sound. Everything on and around my groin got warm… my hard cock twitched and felt wet. I looked down. Cat crouched over me and a steady stream of clean pee was gushing from her pussy on my lap… I looked up… grabbed her arms.
    “Daddy… please let me have this. I need to… please Daddy”
    My cock twitched more, bathed in Cat’s pee, I could feel it running all over me. She leaned back a little and pissed all over my stomach.
    “Do you like it, Daddy? Please… I want you to like it… please don’t hit me again, Daddy…”
    “Cat… I…”
    “Please, Daddy… do you like it?”
    “Cat… yes… my god… you’re so warm”
    I pushed ...
    ... her back a little and she squirmed, trying to aim her jet back at me… I slid off the toilet and went down on my knees… her pussy in front of me… her pee running all over my chest…
    “Thank you, Daddy… it’s all yours. It’s only for you, Daddy”
    Cat’s pee didn’t stop… I admired this tiny black pussy and the waters it gave me. I pushed one hand against her pussy… her pee squirted out left and right… I pressed harder… Cat sucked in her breath… I pressed more… I could see that she was hurting… a single tear rolled down her beautiful cheek… I lifted her right leg with my other hand, cowered down, and brought my mouth directly under her dripping black pussy.
    “Daddy… please… I can’t…” I let my other hand go and pee gushed out of her pussy, spraying in all directions, covering my whole face before it settled down into a strong, steady jet of warm piss into my wide open mouth. It tasted wonderful. It tasted like Cat.
    “Daddy… Daddy… it’s all for you… I have more for you, Daddy…”
    I tried to swallow but it was too much… I let Cat’s piss overflow my mouth, felt it running over my lips and cheeks, down my neck… I closed my lips around her pussy… and even with a piss-filled mouth I managed to find her little slit with my tongue and dragged it up to her clit. Cat shrieked when I hit her clit and pressed my tongue against it… her pee now came in short pulses… it stopped when I pressed on her clit and rained into me when I released…
    “Daddy… I cumming… I’m cumming… I’m… ...