1. Black Cat (Part I)

    Date: 3/8/2024, Categories: Fiction Black, Cum Swallowing First Time Hardcore Interracial, Male/Teen Female Non-consensual sex Rape Reluctance Spanking, Teen Water Sports/Pissing, Young Author: axs, Source: sexstories.com

    ... squirted all over my lap… all over the couch… over my carpet… over the table. Cat screamed… wriggled in my lap…
    Her squirts came in long gushes, followed by short spurts… and I hit her again while she squirted all over me... hit her pussy harder than before…
    One last, long squirt, it hit the side of the popcorn bowl and then Cat went limb. I could see pussy juice bubbling out of her violated hole… little bubbles, turning into a clear foam… it didn’t seem to stop and I caressed her ass… caressed her pussy… ran my finger up and down her crack.
    “Daddy! Best. Movie. Night. Ever.”
    Cat looked up at me. This wasn’t a smile. This was a beam of happiness. Tears running down her face. She took my hand and kissed it.
    “Thank you, Daddy. Thank you for being the best pedo dad ever”.
    Chapter 5: Friday Evening - Bathroom
    I should’ve said something. Anything. Reacted to what Cat said. Reacted to her kiss. But I just got up, Cat rolled off my lap and down on the floor. And I walked to the bathroom like in a trance.
    I closed the door behind me. Pulled my pants down, My cock was sticking out of my boxers, it looked swollen and red… I sat down on the toilet. I felt like I could start to cry any minute.
    The worst 10 minutes of my life or the best? I didn’t know.
    My cock was going soft and I let my head hang down… tried to breathe. Inhale. Exhale.
    What had just happened? And who was that guy beating up a little girl? And who ...
    ... was that little girl calling me a pedophile and asking for more? Nothing made sense. Upside down.
    A knock on the door. I couldn’t say anything. Not “Not now”. Not “Come in”. Just nothing.
    The door opened slowly. Cat stuck her head in.
    “You ok, Daddy?”
    I looked at her. I think there were tears in my eyes.
    “Oh my…”
    She came in, slowly. Her nightgown was back to ankle length and she looked so pristine and innocent all in white. Cat’s black skin looked gorgeous in the cold bathroom light. It glowed.
    Cat came closer to me… stood next to me. I leaned my head against her.
    “I meant it. Best movie night ever. Daddy, I loved every second of it.”
    She leaned down to me and whispered into my ear: “I came two times when I was playing with your cock… it was so fucking sexy when you came a little… I could feel how you were struggling and you didn’t even notice when I came… because you liked my little feet on your big hard cock. Right, Daddy?”
    I nodded.
    “You did nothing wrong. You did exactly what I needed. And I’m sorry for calling you a… you know. I just felt you needed a little… nudge in the right direction.”
    I looked at her. That smile. My cock twitched… for the first time I realized that I was sitting on a toilet with my pants and boxers down around my ankles… while talking to a tiny black girl… 4’5’’... my cock got hard… slowly…
    “I think I owe you an explanation. A lot of explanations actually.”
    “I think you do”. This was the first thing I said ...