1. Clementina, Chapter I – Penetration

    Date: 3/2/2024, Categories: Fantasy Anal Body modification, Horror, Incest Lactation, Author: JackDRipper

    ... “Me too. Did you see the way she looked at us, and those little blushes?”
    I nodded, smiling.
    “I’m curious to see where things go,” I said. My mom and I hugged each other’s shoulders briefly.
    Then we got to the barn, and the moment faded as we were faced with the reality of what we had to do.
    My mom and I spent the rest of the day up by Clementina’s barn digging a six-feet-deep trench. We dug mostly in silence, with just the minimal chatter about the depressing task at hand.
    The next morning we went out and got large contractor plastic bags and gas for the chipper. I won’t give graphic details about day two of the dark phallite extermination, except to say we used the rakes to herd the little monsters into the bags, then dumped them into the chipper. It was brutal, disheartening, and bloody work. The slime was several inches deep, so we used the pump and hose to suction it out, revealing all the little cracks and crevices where the monsters hid.
    The dark phallite hunt and slime removal (though more continued to to pour out from the tunnel leading to Ona) took all day. We saved two dark phallites alive since Ona would emerge once they were all dead. We left them in a bucket in the chamber and went home to bed.
    Day three of the dark phallite extermination dawned warm, humid, and misty. It was still early as my mother and I made our way up to Clementina’s barn, then down into the chamber. Clementina came with us, carrying a box from Amazon. My mother was ...
    ... wearing a light-colored, two-piece athletic swimsuit, and I was in just shorts. Clementina had worn shorts and a sports bra.
    Over night, the slime slipping from the tunnel to Ona had coated the floor to an inch or two depth.
    I carried the bucket with the two remaining dark phallites up to the wood chipper and dumped them in. The last of the dark phallites was dead. I walked down the steps back into the chamber.
    While I had been outside, Clementina had disrobed and now was nude, donning a massive strap-on that had to be almost eighteen inches long and almost as big around as my wrist. I gasped.
    “Jeez, Clementina, she’s your sister. Go easy on her.”
    “Fuck her, after what she did she’s going to take all of it,” Clementina replied.
    I went to the chamber with the white phallites and returned with one perched on my shoulder, ready for when Ona appeared.
    The entrance to the tunnel leading to the queen’s chamber glowed a light pink that cast a light glow about the chamber. We sat in silence, our ears straining to hear the slightest murmur coming down the tunnel, any sign that Ona was ready to emerge.
    We waited an hour. Then another. It was getting towards late morning. How long would this take?
    We were approaching three hours. We were all getting tired of waiting. The slime on the floor was slippery so by now we had all fallen at least once. We were all coated in slime. Clementina still wore her monster dong and looked like she was ready to do some ...