Clementina, Chapter I – Penetration
Date: 3/2/2024,
Body modification,
Author: JackDRipper
... last. It only takes about ten to twelve hours for the creatures to gestate. I doubt any of them are still alive. And it’s more complicated than that. You first need to kill all the dark phallites in the chamber. Then the queen, my sister, will come out of her tunnel with an egg and try to create another vanguard.”
“And that’s when we get her,” my mom said. “And purge her then kill the eggs.”
Clementina nodded. “I will do the final purge. She’s my sister.”
“I don’t want to sound crass again,” I said. “But you don’t have the same equipment as I do. Will you be able to do the job? And will you be recovered by then?”
Clementina nodded. “I will be fine in a day or two. And I just need a big enough strap on. It will take you a couple days to clear out the chamber, and Amazon has next day delivery.” She smiled, then met my eyes again, flipped to my mom’s, then back to mine. When she looked down again, that blush was creeping up her chest again.
I shook my head to bring my focus back to the task at hand. “So how many dark phallites are there down there now? And how do we kill them en masse without harming Ona? It’s going to be hard with all that slime on the floor.”
“There are probably fifty or sixty, more or less. My uncle used an iron rake to push them into plastic bags that he fed into the wood chipper. The chipper is still out in the barn. And there are other, easier entrances into the chambers down there than the one you found – one is a tunnel that runs from ...
... the newest wing of the house, and the other is a tunnel that leads right up to the barn. Just dig a pit near the barn, point the chipper at it, and you can easily drag the bags out and into the chipper.”
“Jesus Christ,” I murmured. “That’s brutal. Is there an easier, more humane way?”
“Humane?” Clementina laughed. “Russel, you are amazing to think of kindness and humaneness at a time like this. I admire you. Sadly, there isn’t much you can do in the way of being humane. Wood chipper. Axe. Sledge Hammer. Choose your poison. And you will also want to clean all the old slime and organic material off the walls, too, and dump that in the pit. There’s a pump and old fire hose out in the barn you can use to pump out the chamber.”
“Well,” I said to my mom. “Ready to do some digging?”
Clementina was out of energy and had to go lay back down. My mom and I gathered our gear and headed over toward’s Clementina’s.
“So, how’s the little guy doing?” my mom asked me as we walked over to Clementina’s barn to get digging, pointing generally in the direction of my abdomen.
“I had a pretty serious case of morning wood when I first woke up, but mostly he’s been quiet. I’m not sure I’m much in the mood for sex right now anyway. But I have to say, while I didn’t like the coercion, I still wouldn’t mind an occasional fuck from Clementina, of my own free will and all that.”
My mom laughed and punched me playfully in the shoulder.
“I bet you wouldn’t mind,” she said, grinning. ...