Visits to Grampa Ch. 05
Date: 2/26/2024,
Author: bybarry240646
... right to the end." Ann filled Joan in as to how Gramma died when she and Grampa were enjoying 'marital relations', although both girls were surprised to hear the words that Gramma used.
Joan climbed carefully off Charlie, and they cleaned up. Then Charlie opened a bottle of Gin, and the three had a nice martini - shaken, not stirred - out of the posh new bar fridge Charlie had installed in his room with some of his proceeds from the movies.
They sat there, naked, chatting for some time about the girls' childhood and their memories of Gramma and Grampa, before Ann said. "Lena and I are going out for Italian tonight, if you want to join us, Joan, but yes or no, I at least need to get ready soon."
Joan asked "Are you sure Lena won't mind?"
"The way I see it," said Ann, "is you will go home no later than tomorrow, as you have a life to go back to. And Lena and I will still be here. I don't mind sharing her with you some of the time, but not all of the time."
Okay," said Joan, "but I'll go home after dinner - I really want to go to Church tomorrow to see a certain person. I am sure that, thanks to you, she and I will see each other in a different light than we did last week."
Ann laughed. "And maybe you'll see her with your fingers, in no light at all."
Joan left for home directly from the restaurant. Ann and Lena decided to skip the dancing at the lesbian bar and go home. They undressed each other and got ...
... into Lena's bed, with its satin sheets, and cuddled up close to talk.
Ann told Lena stories of her and Joan growing up, of how they - then - perceived their parents. Of how after Joan discovered boys they weren't so close, and of Joan's recent break-up and her possible new lover. Lena listened without comment.
Afterwards, she said "That first time you and I were together, I suspected that there was a girl in your life you were in love with, and too scared to pursue. I never suspected it would be a family member, your sister, that you were so attracted to. But the first time we kissed and got naked, I knew that it was something that your inner you knew you wanted, even if you didn't. That was why it was so easy for me to make love with your sister this morning rather than just have sex with her."
They had a bottle of wine with them by the bed, and as Lena poured them another glass, she asked Ann "Have you seen that new personal support worker I've hired?"
A personal support worker provide very intimate services to residents who have mobility issues, including helping them dress, and helping and supervising them in the bath to avoid accidents.
Ann shook her head. "No, I haven't, I have been to busy putting in the new accounting system we're installing to notice her yet. What about her?"
"Well," said Lena, "where to start? She's almost six foot tall, with a very trim waist, probably around twenty-four inches, and probably with a 38G or bigger bra!"
"Oh, my ...