Visits to Grampa Ch. 05
Date: 2/26/2024,
Author: bybarry240646
Ann woke up between her father and her mother. Her left arm was tucked under Barb's left arm, and her fingertips were rubbing Barb's nipple. Behind her she could feel her father trying to position his morning wood to penetrate her, and she shifted position and lifted her thigh, and felt him slide easily in. She was already moist, so he had probably been rubbing her vagina with the tip of his cock for some time.
He was slow and gentle, but as he and Ann got aroused, she found herself grabbing at her mother's breasts, and biting her mother's shoulder. In response, Barb reached down to masturbate as her family had sex behind her.
Their climaxes were good. Not as intense as some of those the night before, but good. Then all three shared the shower and dressed. The was a small café up the road and they decided to go there for breakfast rather than eat in Autumn House's dining room.
Ann was amazed at the change in the relationship with her parents. They seemed to be accepting her as an equal rather than as a daughter. Their conversation was affectionate and yet bantering. All three clearly felt a new and more comfortable relationship.
"Ken and Helen," her parent's neighbors, "are coming for dinner next Saturday evening. Just wait till I tell them what we got up to last night. I am sure we will finish up with some interesting après dinner activities." said her Mum.
"Dad, Mum wants to have sex with Helen. How do you feel about that?"
"Well, Ken and I have ...
... already hinted to each other about that. We think it would be great fun to watch, and we're not averse to a bit of sex between us, either."
Ann said "I see," as nonchalantly as she could, still coming to terms with how badly she and her sister Joan had misread their parents' sex life.
Shortly after breakfast her parents headed for home, and Ann went back to Autumn House. The lounge was full of chatter about the previous evening. It appeared clear that no-one who lived at Autumn House had skipped the evening. Even people that Ann thought would boycott the evening had gone, if only to watch. The one fact that stuck in Ann's mind was that if everybody had been there, it meant that everyone in Autumn House had been naked together. Would the house become a nudist colony? Ann giggled at the thought. Interestingly, some of the staff had joined in as well.
Charlie and Jimmy were already outlining plans for various movies derived from their filming. There would be one featuring Ann and Daniel, with some scene setting shots of the general orgy as background. Charlie was assuring people that they had filmed both in normal focus and in soft focus with almost all of the residents, so those that didn't want possibly to be recognized would only appear in soft focus.
There would be some men-on-men scenes, especially with Ann's Dad, Frank, and Daniel, as well as Barb and Jackie, and Lena and Daniel. For the rest of that week Charlie and Jimmy were locked up in the room they used for ...