1. Brain Hack Revenge Chapter 01 - Mind-Hacked Bitch Bully Takes My Virginity

    Date: 2/22/2024, Categories: Fiction Blackmail, Humiliation Male/Female Mind Control, Author: StasiaGrey

    ... it.
    “What’s that?”
    “Ah, nothing. Was something I was tinkering with. Had an assistant, you know. He helped me with it. Told me I was an amazing guy. The best. He was around your age, too.”
    “Cool. What happened to him?”
    “Ah, he stopped helping me out. Had some family issues.”
    He rummaged through some boxes until he pulled out a gun and pointed it at me.
    “Whoa, uncle Frank, what are you doing?”
    “Check this out. This is one of my latest inventions.”
    Cold sweat crawled down my spine. It just looked like a regular desert eagle pointing at me. I had seen enough action movies.
    He pulled the trigger, and I thought my life was over.
    “Huh, it doesn’t work. What the hell.”
    He started smacking the tip of the gun against the table.
    “Did you just try to shoot me?”
    “Relax, it’s a modified tool. I used the gun frame as a housing for my lazy emitter beam.”
    “A what?”
    “Lazy emitter beam. C’mon, the name tells you all you need to know. God, you kids are fucking dense nowadays. It’s a device that shoots out special rays that modify your mood levels. I’m talking total lethargy. Imagine the battlefield applications. Or even in a riot situation. Hit those fuckers with this ray, and no one wants to do jack shit. They’ll just sit there. I swear, it’ll work even better than some fake ass celebrity cracking open a can of Pepsi.”
    He looked at his gun and pulled a face. “This is going to bug me. Okay, you stay here and don’t fucking touch anything. I’ll ...
    ... be right back.”
    He grabbed the gun and went back to his work desk, muttering something unintelligible.
    I fought the urge to nose through the top secret boxes. Partly out of fear. Uncle Frank wasn’t the most stable of people I knew, and who knew what was in those boxes. The device on the table drew my attention, though...
    Brain Hack... Sounded like some sort of mind-altering device. It was in bits and pieces, too. And I wasn’t exactly the smartest person in the family to even know how to put it back together and get it to work.
    It seemed like most of my relatives on my dad’s side were kinda smart. Except for dad. He was still intelligent, but he was normal compared to uncle Frank.
    My foot hit something under the table. There was a box with a lid half closed over it. Curious, I picked it up. There were files related to the Brain Hack device. And also another phone in the box.
    Okay, curiosity got the better of me. I looked over and uncle Frank looked deep in concentration with his gun.
    I just wanted a peek, so I held the power button until the screen came to life.
    To my disappointment, it looked like a regular smartphone. I scrolled through the apps and nothing even resembled close to anything like a brain hacking thing. Maybe I was being stupid.
    There was a strange one on there, though.
    Nice Level app..?
    “Hey, Ethan, I think I fixed it!” Uncle Frank exclaimed.
    Panicking, I shoved the phone in my pants pocket and shoved the box back under the ...