Brain Hack Revenge Chapter 01 - Mind-Hacked Bitch Bully Takes My Virginity
Date: 2/22/2024,
Mind Control,
Author: StasiaGrey
... didn’t really know what uncle Frank did.
“You want a drink? I got coffee. Made it a few days ago, still good. Wait, how old are you? Are you allowed to drink coffee?”
“I’m eighteen. And no thanks.”
He went to the kitchen corner of his office and grabbed a mug. “Suit yourself. There’s a toilet to the right. Think there’s a rag in there in the sink. Just move the vials off to the side. Careful, it’ll melt your skin. Oh wait, did I use the rag for them? Ah, whatever, you’ll find out in a minute.”
He started tinkering with something on a nearby desk.
I went to the bathroom - no door. And found the hanging light switch. It wasn’t much better than the rest of the place. I gave myself a quick visual in the dirty mirror.
As expected, my face was a bit tattered, but nothing suggesting that I had my ass kicked.
My body was a different story, though.
I lifted up my shirt and winced. In the mirror, I had a couple of red marks on my chest, surrounded by deep purple bruises. Good thing I wasn’t part of the swim club.
I turned on the tap and used my hand to wipe my face clean of the dirt.
“Uncle Frank, do you have a shirt I can borrow?”
“Fuck me, you don’t ask for much, do you?” he said over his shoulder. “There are some boxes by the cabinets. Check in there.”
I rifled through the boxes and found a tee that was about my size. I turned, so he couldn’t see my marks, and quickly pulled it on.
I picked up another tee that was ...
... identical to mine and looked at the front. It said HORSE COCK with an arrow pointing down.
“Uh, do you have anything else?”
“Jesus, did George raise you to be an ungrateful little shit or something?”
He sighed. “Okay, kid, maybe I’ve been a little hard on you. Socialising isn’t my forte. I spend most of my time with my work. Sometimes all I have for company are the moans coming up from the floorboards.”
“What do you do? Dad never said what you do. He said you’re an inventor or something.”
“Cute coming from that normie. Yeah, I make shit. Shit those hacks from Hartmore couldn’t possibly comprehend.”
“Didn’t aunt Phyllis go to Hartmore, too?”
“Yes, she did. Graduated with full honors. Lucky bitch.”
“How come you didn’t graduate?”
“Because apparently undergraduate students weren’t authorised to try start a nuclear exchange study program with the North Koreans. Shame too. They looked like they weren’t held back by red tape like us. Their boss has a pretty stylish haircut, too.”
“Anyway, the government took a shine to some of my inventions. They’re quite useful when it comes to funding.”
“Can you show me some stuff?”
His eyes narrowed. “You’re not a spy, are you?” He pinched my cheek.
He led me to another room, and there were various boxes stacked on each other. Some had the words ‘top secret’ stamped on them.
On the table there was a cell phone taken apart. Next to it were files with the word ‘Brain Hack App’ scrawled on ...