Date: 2/20/2024,
Bondage and restriction
Author: dogduty, Source:
... replied.
The next morning, Tammy decided to wait for her guest. Before she started her daily routine. Soon, a car pulled up to the gate, and she let the lady in. Then went outside and greeted her on the front driveway. “Hi Tammy!” the lady said as she got out of her car. “My name is Karla, can we talk?” “By all means. Let’s go inside and we’ll talk.” Tammy replied.
Tammy broke the ice. “So, how do you know my name? We’ve never met before.” Karla answers, “We have met before. But not in person. You see, my husband and I were at your abduction. Damn, you really put on a show for us. One of the best we’ve seen. I’m glad to see you’re still standing. You were a mess after Terry got done with you!” Tammy replies, “Ya, all those dogs really put me in my place. Took me 3-4 days just to come to my senses. But,,,,, it sure did put things into perspective! So,,,, what can I do for you?”
Karla began to explain why she was there. “Well Tammy, to be honest with you, I’m concerned about my daughter, Karen.” “Your daughter?” Tammy replied. “Yes, I’m concerned about her.” “In what way?” Tammy asked. Karla continued, “I’m not really sure where to start. But you must understand, Karen has always been a good person. Not the type of teenager who’s always getting into trouble. Like a lot of them do. We’ve never had any problems with her what-so-ever. But, in the last couple years, I’ve noticed a change in Karen. She has not been her usual bubbly self. Seems with drawn, more quiet. Like ...
... she isn’t happy. You know, like something is missing from her life.” Then Tammy asked Karla, “So have you approached her about your concerns?” Karla replies, ”Yes, I’ve tried, but she just keeps telling me everything is ok. And I know deep inside it’s not. And then, just the other day, it hit me. I think I know what the heart of the problem is. It’s sex, or should I say. The lack of.” Being a gracious host, Tammy asked her why she thought that a lack of sex was the problem.
“There’s something you have to understand.” Karla said. “You see, Karen, who’s 19 now. Developed fast for her age. And she’s always been a pretty little thing. You know, boys chasing her all the time and such. Hell, when we started to see all this. Naturally, her father and I got concerned. Because, well, you know how nature can take its course. And pretty soon you have an unplanned baby staring you in the face. So, we sat her down back then. And had a long talk with her about responsibility and such. She completely understood what we were trying to tell her. And we all agreed to put her on the pill. To be on the safe side.”
“Sure sounds to me like you guys were doing your best to keep her on the right path,” Tammy said. Karla replied, “Yes, we were. And then the problem started. For some reason, the pill made Karen sick all the time. Badly sick, to the point where we had to take her off of it. After that, nature had a way of complicating things. She wanted to still be responsible when it came to sex. ...