Date: 2/20/2024,
Bondage and restriction
Author: dogduty
NOTE: Please read Chapter 1 first. Tammy is about to start her new lifestyle. Will her body endure the daily requirements she has signed on too? Will she ever be able to be a regular member of society again? It’s doubtful she cares. Terry has won her over. Her mind is quickly becoming as sexually twisted as his. Tammy is capable of scheming to fulfill her own devious plans as well.
Tammy awoke the next morning, to the sound of a truck. As it went around the house, into the back yard. Jon was already out there to meet them. It was going to be his job to feed and clean up after the dogs. She jumped out of bed. And quickly went through her usual morning routine of getting ready for a new day. But, this wasn’t a normal day. It was to be the beginning. She was freaking out, overcome with excitement. She went into the closest to fetch her clothes. Her mind was a blur, so many things going through her mind at once. Almost panicking, she thought to herself, “What to wear? What to wear? What to wear? How am I suppose to dress for my first day? Maybe I should keep it simple? Yes, keep it simple.” She decided to throw on a t-shirt, and a skirt. Then she reach into her underwear drawer, grabbed a pair of panties, and pulled them up under her skirt. “Wait a minute!” she thought to yourself. Then started to giggle like a little schoolgirl. “What the hell is wrong with you? You idiot! You're not going to be needing these!” She reached up under her ...
... skirt, pulled her panties down. And threw them back into the drawer.
By now, Tammy could hear the unmistakable sound of barking dogs. As Jon and Terry’s hired men, unloaded the dogs into the kennel. Out the back door she went. Antsy to finally met her boys. She quickly took notice of the kennel truck. It could haul 12 dogs. Suddenly, another kennel truck pulled up. It too, was hauling another 12 dogs. She approached one of the drivers and introduced herself. He was a nice gentleman. But showed no signs of intimidation.
The driver began to speak, “Hi Tammy! Nice to finally meet you! Guess we’ll be seeing each other a lot in the future. And oh, by the way, nice set of nipples you have there! Didn’t think there was that much of a breeze out here this morning!” Tammy didn’t let his comment bother her in the slightest. She was actually pleased that he noticed. Then replied, “Why thank you! Glad you noticed. Guess I was in too much of a hurry this morning. And forgot to put a bra on.” He responds, “Don’t apologize, I think it’s awesome! I see you’re wearing a skirt. I’m assuming you forgot the panties too?” “You know it!” she answered back. “Well, maybe for the better, that thing would just be a nuisance and in the way anyhow.” Tammy couldn’t help but notice the perverted gleam in his eyes.
“Well, nice talking with you.” Then she headed for the kennels. With wide opened eyes, and dropping jaw. Tammy began to check out the dogs that just arrived. “Holly Shit” she mumbled to ...